The Next HOPE
took place July 16, 2010 through July 18, 2010 (14 years, 8 months ago) at Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City, New York, USA.
The general admission cost for the conference was $100.00[1].
Friday, July 16, 2010
10:00 - IPv6 Playground: New Hope Update
10:00 - GPS - It's Not the Satellites That Know Where You Are
11:00 - Locational Privacy and Wholesale Surveillance via Photo Services
11:00 - Light, Color, and Perception
11:00 - The State of Global Intelligence
12:00 - Wireless Security: Killing Livers, Making Enemies
12:00 - SHODAN for Penetration Testers
12:00 - Content of the Future
13:00 - Keynote Address - Dan Kaminsky Keynote
14:00 - Examining Costs, Benefits, and Economics in Malware and Carding Markets
14:00 - Digital: A Love Story
15:00 - Arse Elektronika: Sex, Tech, and the Future of Screw-It-Yourself
15:00 - Botnet Resistant Coding: Protecting Your Users from Script Kiddies
15:00 - Electronic Take Back
16:00 - Cooking for Geeks
16:00 - Own Your Phone
16:00 - Sita Sings the Blues: A Free Culture Success Story
17:00 - Design of a Wireless EMG
17:00 - Brilliants Exploits - A Look at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics
17:00 - Keeping Your Job While Being a Hacker
18:00 - The OpenAMD Project
18:00 - Tor and Internet Censorship
18:00 - Lisp, The Oldest Language of the Future
19:00 - "Knock Knock Knock… Housekeeping" - The Ins and Outs of Hotel Locks
19:00 - Buying Privacy in Digitized Cities
19:00 - Easy Hacks on Telephone Entry Systems
20:00 - Monkeysphere: Fixing Authentication on the Net
20:00 - Build Robots and See the World
20:00 - Towards Open Libraries and Schools
21:00 - Hackerspaces Forever: A Panel Presented by
21:00 - Risk Analysis for Dummies
21:00 - Introduction to the Chip Scene: Low Bit Music and Visuals
22:00 - Electronic Waste: What's Here and What's Next
22:00 - Detecting and Defending Your Network from Malware Using Nepenthes
23:00 - Get Lamp Screening and Discussion
23:00 - Interaction with Sensors, Receivers, Haptics, and Augmented Reality
23:00 - Injecting Electromagnetic Pulses into Digital Devices
Saturday, July 17, 2010
10:00 - False Domain Name Billing and Other Scams
10:00 - How to Run an Open Source Hardware Company
10:00 - T+40: The Three Greatest Hacks of Apollo
11:00 - Behind the Padlock: HTTPS Ubiquitous and Fragile
11:00 - Video Surveillance, Society, and Your Face
11:00 - Hacking Out a Graphic Novel
12:00 - Vintage Computing
12:00 - Grand Theft Lazlow - How Hacking is Both the Death and Future of Traditional and Interactive Publishing, Journalism, and the Media
12:00 - For Its Own Sake and to Build Something Better: A Primer on Neuroscience, Bat Echolocation, and Hacker Bio-inspiration
13:00 - Keynote Address - Wikileaks Keynote
14:00 - A Red Team Exercise
14:00 - No Free Lunch: Privacy Risks and Issues in Online Gaming
15:00 - Geo-Tagging: Opting-In to Total Surveillance
15:00 - How to Bring Your Project from Idea to Reality: Make a Living Doing What You Love
15:00 - Modern CrimeWare Tools and Techniques: An Analysis of Underground Resources
16:00 - Snatch Those Waves: Prometheus Radio and the Fight for Popular Communications
16:00 - Memory Fun 101 - Memory Training for Everyone
16:00 - Surf's Up! Exploring Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) through Social Network Exploitation
17:00 - Much Ado About Randomness
17:00 - Smartphone Ownage: The State of Mobile Botnets and Rootkits
17:00 - Privacy is Dead - Get Over It
18:00 - Free Software: Why We Need a Big Tent
18:00 - Why You Should Be an Amateur
19:00 - Hackers for Human Rights
19:00 - Reach Out And Touch Face: A Rant About Failing
20:00 - Hey, Don't Call That Guy A Noob: Toward a More Welcoming Hacker Community
20:00 - The Telephone Pioneers of America
20:00 - Rummaging in the Government's Attic: Lessons Learned from More Than 1,000 Freedom of Information Act Requests
21:00 - Circuitbending
21:00 - Social Engineering
22:00 - Building and Breaking the Next HOPE Badge
22:00 - 2600 Meetings: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
22:00 - PSTN-based Cartography
23:00 - Radio Reconnaissance in Penetration Testing - All Your RF Are Belong to Us
23:00 - Net Wars Over Free Speech, Freedom, and Secrecy or How to Understand the Hacker and Lulz Battle Against the Church of Scientology
23:00 - Hacking Our Biochemistry: Pharmacy and the Hacker Perspective
23:59 - Spy Improv on Steroids - Steele Uncensored - Anything Goes
23:59 - Saturday Night Hacker Cinema
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Unknown date
- ^ This price is meant to give a general idea of the cost of attending the conference. Many conferences have varying prices based on number of days of attendance, early registration, tiers of support, or additional costs for workshops or trainings. The price here is meant to represent the most common cost for the majority of attendees. See the conference's homepage, if applicable, for details.