Lock Bypass without Lockpicks

Presented at The Next HOPE (2010), July 18, 2010, 11 a.m. (60 minutes).

You train as hard as you can, picking lock after lock, learning about all the different picks, different picking techniques and styles, anti-picking features, and how to manipulate them… then some guy with a screwdriver takes the hinges off the door faster than you can pick the doorknob. That’s right, there are ways to bypass locks which don’t involve direct manipulation of the pins, and they not only tend to be easy, but fast. This talk follows the story of Waldo, one hard-to-find hacker trying to wrestle the truth from the jaws of a shady corporation peddling suspicious medication. Waldo, having been captured and stripped of his picks, must escape using only his wits, and whatever he can find on his way out.


  • Dan Crowley
    Dan Crowley is an independent information security researcher and lecturer with an appreciation for art and its integration with technology. Most of his time is spent playing around with web-based technologies or locks. Dan has previously won the US-TOOOL "Gringo Warrior" lockpicking competition.



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