took place Dec. 27, 2016 through Dec. 30, 2016 (8 years, 2 months ago) at CCH Congress Center Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany.
Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2016
Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2016
Thursday, Dec. 29, 2016
00:15 - Eine kleine Geschichte der Parlamentsschlägerei: Schlagende Argumente, fliegende Fäuste
00:45 - Fnord-Jahresrückblick: Stream
00:45 - Fnord-Jahresrückblick: Wir helfen euch, die Fnords zu sehen!
11:30 - Corporate surveillance, digital tracking, big data & privacy: How thousands of companies are profiling, categorizing, rating and affecting the lives of billions
11:30 - Million Dollar Dissidents and the Rest of Us: Uncovering Nation-State Mobile Espionage in the Wild
11:30 - How do we know our PRNGs work properly?
11:30 - radare demystified: after 1.0
12:45 - On Smart Cities, Smart Energy, And Dumb Security
12:45 - Lightning Talks Day 3: Lightning Talks
12:45 - CCC-Jahresrückblick 2016
12:45 - Memory Deduplication: The Curse that Keeps on Giving: A tale of 3 different memory deduplication based exploitation techniques
14:00 - Dissecting modern (3G/4G) cellular modems
14:00 - Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité... and privacy ?!
16:00 - Machine Dreams: Dreaming Machines
16:00 - Do as I Say not as I Do: Stealth Modification of Programmable Logic Controllers I/O by Pin Control Attack
16:00 - Making Technology Inclusive Through Papercraft and Sound: Introducing the Love to Code Platform
16:00 - Building Custom Pinball Machines: What you need and how it works. An experiences report
17:15 - Technologien für und wider Digitale Souveränität
17:15 - A New Dark Age: Turbulence, Big Data, AI, Fake News, and Peak Knowledge
17:15 - Dissecting HDMI: Developing open, FPGA-based capture hardware for conference & user group recording
17:15 - Talking Behind Your Back: On the Privacy & Security of the Ultrasound Tracking Ecosystem
18:30 - Hochsicherheits-Generalschlüssel Marke Eigenbau
18:30 - Decoding the LoRa PHY: Dissecting a Modern Wireless Network for the Internet of Things
18:30 - An Elevator to the Moon (and back): Space Transportation and the Extraterrestrial Imperative
18:30 - No Love for the US Gov.: Why Lauri Love's case is even more important than you thought
20:30 - Berechnete Welt: Unsere Daten, die Zukunft und die zerstörte Demokratie
20:30 - The Moon and European Space Exploration: Refocusing on the moon as a platform for future deep space missoins
20:30 - Von Alpakas, Hasenbären und Einhörnern – Über Anerkennungskultur: Wie Wertschätzung in (Tech-)Communities gelingen kann
20:30 - The woman behind your WiFi: Hedy Lamarr: Frequency Hopping in Hollywood
21:15 - Interplanetary Colonization: the state at the beginning of the 21st Century
21:15 - Saving the World with (Vegan) Science
21:15 - From Server Farm to Data Table
21:15 - Irren ist staatlich: 10 Jahre Informationsfreiheitsgesetz
22:00 - Hacking collective as a laboratory: Hackers' knowledge studied by sociologist of science
22:00 - Lasers in the sky (with asteroids)
22:00 - What We Can Learn about Creativity from 3D Printing
22:00 - JODI - Apache is functioning normally : A net.art collective since 1995. Understanding the browser as a canvas for art.
22:45 - The 12 Networking Truths
22:45 - Edible Soft Robotics: An exploration of candy as an engineered material
22:45 - PUFs, protection, privacy, PRNGs: an overview of physically unclonable functions
22:45 - Eavesdropping on the Dark Cosmos: Dark Matter and Gravitational Waves
23:30 - Ethics in the data society: Power and politics in the development of the driverless car
23:30 - The Zcash anonymous cryptocurrency: or zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge for laypeople
23:30 - Hebocon: A sumo style robot battle for intentionally crappy robots!
23:30 - The Universe Is, Like, Seriously Huge: Stuff in Space Is Far Away – but How Do We Know?
Friday, Dec. 30, 2016