took place Dec. 27, 2016 through Dec. 30, 2016 (8 years ago) at CCH Congress Center Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany.
Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2016
Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2016
Thursday, Dec. 29, 2016
00:15 - Eine kleine Geschichte der Parlamentsschlägerei: Schlagende Argumente, fliegende Fäuste
00:45 - Fnord-Jahresrückblick: Stream
00:45 - Fnord-Jahresrückblick: Wir helfen euch, die Fnords zu sehen!
11:30 - Corporate surveillance, digital tracking, big data & privacy: How thousands of companies are profiling, categorizing, rating and affecting the lives of billions
11:30 - Million Dollar Dissidents and the Rest of Us: Uncovering Nation-State Mobile Espionage in the Wild
11:30 - How do we know our PRNGs work properly?
11:30 - radare demystified: after 1.0
12:45 - On Smart Cities, Smart Energy, And Dumb Security
12:45 - Lightning Talks Day 3: Lightning Talks
12:45 - CCC-Jahresrückblick 2016
12:45 - Memory Deduplication: The Curse that Keeps on Giving: A tale of 3 different memory deduplication based exploitation techniques
14:00 - Dissecting modern (3G/4G) cellular modems
14:00 - Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité... and privacy ?!
16:00 - Machine Dreams: Dreaming Machines
16:00 - Do as I Say not as I Do: Stealth Modification of Programmable Logic Controllers I/O by Pin Control Attack
16:00 - Making Technology Inclusive Through Papercraft and Sound: Introducing the Love to Code Platform
16:00 - Building Custom Pinball Machines: What you need and how it works. An experiences report
17:15 - Technologien für und wider Digitale Souveränität
17:15 - A New Dark Age: Turbulence, Big Data, AI, Fake News, and Peak Knowledge
17:15 - Dissecting HDMI: Developing open, FPGA-based capture hardware for conference & user group recording
17:15 - Talking Behind Your Back: On the Privacy & Security of the Ultrasound Tracking Ecosystem
18:30 - Hochsicherheits-Generalschlüssel Marke Eigenbau
18:30 - Decoding the LoRa PHY: Dissecting a Modern Wireless Network for the Internet of Things
18:30 - An Elevator to the Moon (and back): Space Transportation and the Extraterrestrial Imperative
18:30 - No Love for the US Gov.: Why Lauri Love's case is even more important than you thought
20:30 - Berechnete Welt: Unsere Daten, die Zukunft und die zerstörte Demokratie
20:30 - The Moon and European Space Exploration: Refocusing on the moon as a platform for future deep space missoins
20:30 - Von Alpakas, Hasenbären und Einhörnern – Über Anerkennungskultur: Wie Wertschätzung in (Tech-)Communities gelingen kann
20:30 - The woman behind your WiFi: Hedy Lamarr: Frequency Hopping in Hollywood
21:15 - Interplanetary Colonization: the state at the beginning of the 21st Century
21:15 - Saving the World with (Vegan) Science
21:15 - From Server Farm to Data Table
21:15 - Irren ist staatlich: 10 Jahre Informationsfreiheitsgesetz
22:00 - Hacking collective as a laboratory: Hackers' knowledge studied by sociologist of science
22:00 - Lasers in the sky (with asteroids)
22:00 - What We Can Learn about Creativity from 3D Printing
22:00 - JODI - Apache is functioning normally : A net.art collective since 1995. Understanding the browser as a canvas for art.
22:45 - The 12 Networking Truths
22:45 - Edible Soft Robotics: An exploration of candy as an engineered material
22:45 - PUFs, protection, privacy, PRNGs: an overview of physically unclonable functions
22:45 - Eavesdropping on the Dark Cosmos: Dark Matter and Gravitational Waves
23:30 - Ethics in the data society: Power and politics in the development of the driverless car
23:30 - The Zcash anonymous cryptocurrency: or zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge for laypeople
23:30 - Hebocon: A sumo style robot battle for intentionally crappy robots!
23:30 - The Universe Is, Like, Seriously Huge: Stuff in Space Is Far Away – but How Do We Know?
Friday, Dec. 30, 2016