HOPE Number Nine
took place July 13, 2012 through July 15, 2012 (12 years, 7 months ago) at Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City, New York, USA.
The general admission cost for the conference was $120.00[1].
Friday, July 13, 2012
10:00 - Community Fabrication: Four Years Later
10:00 - The Smartphone Penetration Testing Framework
11:00 - The State of Open Source Hardware
11:00 - Infrastructure Mediated Sensing of Whole-Home Human Activity
11:00 - Technology to Change Society: What Not to Do
12:00 - Testing the Two Party Tyranny and Open Source Everything: The Battle for the Soul of the Republic
12:00 - Messing with Nmap Through Smoke and Mirrors
12:00 - The Autism Spectrum and You
13:00 - Crimeware Tools and Techniques of 2012: Past, Present, and Future
13:00 - Using a Space Camp Model for Next Generation Security Training
13:00 - Cryptome Tracks the NYPD Ring of Steel
14:00 - Keynote Address - William Binney Keynote
15:00 - Real Advances in Android Malware
16:00 - Legal Processes As Infrastructure Attacks
16:00 - Building Radios to Talk to the Dead
16:00 - Hacktivism, Tools, and the Arab Spring
17:00 - Destroying Evidence Before It's Evidence
17:00 - HIDIOUS Methods of Keystroke Injection
17:00 - Kill the Internet
18:00 - Why You Shouldn't Write Off Higher Education, Young Grasshopper
18:00 - Advanced Handcuff Hacking
18:00 - We Will Be Legion: Decentralizing the Web
19:00 - Mastering Master-Keyed Systems
19:00 - Digital Security in Health Care Institutions
19:00 - Nymwars: Fighting for Anonymity and Pseudonymity on the Internet
20:00 - WikiLeaks, Whistleblowers, and the War on the First Amendment
20:00 - Make Your Laws: Practical Liquid Democracy
20:00 - Exploiting ZigBee and the Internet of Things
21:00 - Sierra Zulu. Or How to Create a Feature Film About the Digital Age - and Why That's Pretty Hard
21:00 - Printable Electronics and the Future of Open Hardware
21:00 - Jason Scott's Strange and Wonderful Digital History Argosy
22:00 - No Natural Resources Were Hurt Assembling This Sofa
22:00 - The Internet is for Porn! How High Heels and Fishnet Have Driven Internet Innovation and Information Security
22:00 - How to Communicate with Your Car's Network
23:00 - Computer Forensics: Possibility, Probability, Opinion, and Fact
23:00 - Hosting irc.2600.net - My Life with the Thrill Kill Cult
23:00 - Solving More Than #firstworldproblems
Saturday, July 14, 2012
10:00 - I'm Not a Real Friend, But I Play One on the Internet
10:00 - Why Browser Cryptography is Bad and How We Can Make It Great
10:00 - Occupy the Airwaves: Tools to Empower Community Radio Stations
11:00 - Advancements in Botnet Attacks and Malware Distribution
11:00 - Protecting Your Data from the Cops
11:00 - Historic Hacks in Portable Computing
12:00 - Practical Insecurity in Encrypted Radio
12:00 - Hacking Mindsets: Conceptual Approaches to Transmission Art, Improvisation, Circuitbending, and Gaming Technology
12:00 - Phone Phreak Confidential: The Backstory of the History of Phone Phreaking
13:00 - Keynote Address - The Yes Men Keynote
14:00 - An Aesthetic Critique of Fictional Media
15:00 - Geeks and Depression
15:00 - Privacy Tricks for Activist Web Developers
15:00 - SCADA/PLC Exploitation and Disclosure
16:00 - Pwn the Drones: A Survey of UAV Hacks and Exploits
16:00 - Patents: How to Get Them and How to Beat Them
16:30 - Electric Bodies and Possible Worlds
17:00 - Privacy - A Postmortem (or Cell Phones, GPS, Drones, Persistent Dataveillance, Big Data, Smart Cameras and Facial Recognition, The Internet of Things, and Government Data Centers Vacuuming Google and Facebook, Oh My!)
17:00 - The Weather is Not Boring! Forecasting, Following, and Photographing Storms
18:00 - The Original WWII Hackers
18:00 - Combat Robots Then and Now
19:00 - Project Byzantium: An Ad-Hoc Wireless Mesh Network for the Zombie Apocalypse
19:00 - Hacking the Cosmos via Crowdsourced Particle Astronomy
20:00 - IPv6 Now! What Does This Mean?
20:00 - Twitter Revolution Meets Surveillance State: Now What?
20:00 - Taking a Bite Out of Logs with Sagan
21:00 - Social Engineering
21:00 - Designing Free Hardware: Scratching Your Own Itch with a Soldering Iron
22:00 - DKIM: You're Doing It Wrong
22:00 - The ARRIStocrats: Cable Modem Lulz
22:00 - 3D Printing: Making Friends in DC Before People Start Freaking Out
23:00 - Your Cell Phone is Covered in Spiders! (An Overview of Mobile Device Security)
23:00 - The Emergence of Hacker as Artist and Artist as Hacker
23:00 - Activist DDoS Attacks: When Analogies and Metaphors Fail
23:59 - Spy Improv: Reality Unfiltered
23:59 - Film Screening: Monochrom's Kiki and Bubu: Rated R Us
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Unknown date
- ^ This price is meant to give a general idea of the cost of attending the conference. Many conferences have varying prices based on number of days of attendance, early registration, tiers of support, or additional costs for workshops or trainings. The price here is meant to represent the most common cost for the majority of attendees. See the conference's homepage, if applicable, for details.