took place Dec. 27, 2015 through Dec. 30, 2015 (9 years ago) at CCH Congress Center Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany.
Sunday, Dec. 27, 2015
Monday, Dec. 28, 2015
Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2015
00:15 - Fnord-Jahresrückblick
00:15 - Methodisch inkorrekt!: Die Wissenschaftsgala vom 32C3
11:30 - (In)Security of Embedded Devices' Firmware - Fast and Furious at Large Scale
11:30 - re_cycle: Trash the prints, print the trash
11:30 - Beyond Anti Evil Maid: Making it easier to avoid low-level compromise, and why you'll still lose
11:30 - „Nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen“ – Floskeln in der Politik: Politische Phrasologie – warum man aus dem ganzen Zeug, das Politiker so reden, schlau werden kann
12:45 - Computational Meta-Psychology: An Artificial Intelligence exploration into the creation of meaning
12:45 - Lightning Talks Day 3
12:45 - Tor onion services: more useful than you think
12:45 - Graphs, Drones & Phones: The role of social-graphs for Drones in the War on Terror.
14:00 - Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor MITM… The State of Email Security in 2015
14:00 - "Fluxus cannot save the world.": What hacking has to do with avantgarde art of the 1960ies (subtitle to be changed)
14:00 - State of the Onion
16:00 - Say hi to your new boss: How algorithms might soon control our lives.: Discrimination and ethics in the data-driven society
16:00 - Vehicle2Vehicle Communication based on IEEE 802.11p
16:00 - Check your privileges!: How to drop more of your privileges to reduce attack surface.
16:00 - Gibberish Detection 102
17:15 - A Dozen Years of Shellphish: From DEFCON to the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge
17:15 - De-anonymizing Programmers: Large Scale Authorship Attribution from Executable Binaries of Compiled Code and Source Code
17:15 - The Price Of Dissent: The surveillance state & modern day COINTELPRO tactics
17:15 - Safe Harbor
18:30 - 3D printing on the moon: The future of space exploration
18:30 - Prediction and Control: Watching Algorithms
18:30 - Ten years after ‚We Lost The War‘: The future does not look much brighter than ten years ago. What comes next, and what can the hacker community do to make things better?
18:30 - The architecture of a street level panopticon: How drones, IMSI Catchers, and cameras are shaping our cities
20:30 - Reversing UEFI by execution
20:30 - Media Coverage and the Public in the Surveillance Society: Findings from a Research Project on Digital Surveillance Post-Snowden
20:30 - QRtistry: One can create art and beauty with … pixels
21:15 - Intelexit: Calling secret service agents to quit their jobs
21:15 - Free Software and Hardware bring National Sovereignty: Gaza as a case study
21:15 - Trust us and our business will expand!: Net-activism strategies against fake web companies
21:15 - The plain simple reality of entropy: Or how I learned to stop worrying and love urandom
22:00 - the possibility of an army: phone verified accounts bringing the Hessian army back to life
22:00 - Craft, leisure, and end-user innovation: How hacking is conceived in social science research
22:00 - Internet Cube: Let's Build together a Free, Neutral and Decentralized Internet
22:00 - Crypto ist Abwehr, IFG ist Angriff!
22:45 - Building and Breaking Wireless Security: Wireless Physical Layer Security & More...
22:45 - Stromtankstellen – eine neue öffentliche Infrastruktur: Was kann das? Wie kann ich das nutzen? Wo besteht Erforschungsbedarf?
22:45 - On Computing Numbers, with an Application to Problems of our Society: Journalism ♥ Computer Science
22:45 - Österreich: Der Kampf gegen unkontrollierte Massenüberwachung: Geheimdienste kontrolliert man am besten, indem man ihre Gründung verhindert
23:30 - Technology and Mass Atrocity Prevention: Overview on Current Efforts - We Need Moar H4x0rs?!
23:30 - Maritime Robotics: Hackers, I call thee to our Oceans!
23:30 - #GOIBlocks - Technical observations about recent internet censorship in India
23:30 - libusb: Maintainer fail: How I failed to run an open source project
Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2015