"Fluxus cannot save the world.": What hacking has to do with avantgarde art of the 1960ies (subtitle to be changed)

Presented at 32C3 (2015), Dec. 29, 2015, 2 p.m. (60 minutes).

The Fluxus movement came about in the early 1960ies and the talk will discuss its strenghts, dead-ends and promises for the creation of works and community in our digital environment. International, transdisciplinary, non-institutional, anti-art and playful. After several years of research and new art productions, Leo Findeisen and Markus Zimmermann will present their findings. Historical points of interest will deal with Erik Satie, Marcel Duchamp and John Cage and their pioneering works of easy listening, the new instrumentalisation of taste and boredom as well as the enhancement of the notion of art via the application of musical scores to daily actions. These lines are followed up in classical Fluxus works and the audience will get to see pieces by Nam Jun Paik, Alison Knowles, Robert Filliou, Ay O, Something Else Press a.o. Later influences in Germany are presented in anecdotes of Wau Holland & Joseph Beuys, foebud or thing.net. The vital Fluxus scenes of the 1970ies behind the Iron Curtain are hardly known and will also be presented using recent books. Contemporary candidates include Mediengruppe Bitnik!, speed-shows of Aram Bartholl, the Balcony manifesto by Constant Dullaart a.o., the "Internet Black-Out" by LaQuadrature.net; some "Scores" (Handlungsanleitungen) will be tried out live and their function "The 12 Ideas of Fluxus" (2002) will be discussed. In applying methods of cultural anthropology and Actor-Network-Theory, we will also compare Fluxus ideas and Fluxus ideals with the tools, methods and goals of online-Communities and the OpenSource-approach in general. The poster attached (2011) has been our research manifesto, it features visuals of and explanations about the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative, XKCD, Yoko Ono, Joseph Beuys, the Google Custom Placemark, Nam Jun Paiks "TV-Chello" and who is playing it as well as George Maciunas, the "impressario" of Fluxus. "Fluxus cannot save the world."


  • leomagnet
    Researcher into the social life of communities of constructed languages since the late 19th (VolaPük, Esperanto) and late 20th century (Python, etc.). He studied philosophy, composition and ancient languages in Germany, Israel and Austria. From 1996-2008 teacher of media theory for students of art, assistant to Prof. P. Sloterdijk and Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Currently to be employed at the same institution in a ministry-funded project to research the international scenes of self-publishing and makers of recent artists´ books, released with or without ISBN. Findeisen has published widely in several languages and keynoted events like Ars Electronica, Transmediale, Lead Awards, re:publica a.o., often teaming up with Markus Zimmermann. Producer & Curator of projects like "Serious Pop" (2004) about aesthetic appropriation in South-Eastern Europe-revisited (w. Plastic People of the Universe, Darkwood Dub, Attwenger, E.Hutz/Gogol Bordello, photo exhibit. on Laibach a.o.); co-founder of Transforming Freedom .org/.com (2005), an 'open archive for digital culture' with transcripts of lectures, talks and discussions and a parallel Video/Textnavigation. Initiator of the the first international meeting of Pirate Party funders in Vienna (2007), Vienna. Co-director of Future Fluxus research & production, 2010-. Recent publication: B. Cella, L. Findeisen, A. Blaha (eds.): NO-ISBN-On Self-publishing, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walter König 2015 (de/en)
  • Markus Zimmermann
    Markus Zimmermann (Berlin, D), studied Computer Science (Berlin, D) and Architecture (Vienna, Buenos Aires and Shenzhen). Between digital architecture – media – activism – motion theory. And intermediate cross-sections. Since 2009, he contributed to the HB2 Media Lab at Vienna University of Technology exploring experimental usages of moving images and digital media in the process of form and spatial definition methods, where intensive use of digital video, new media and efforts in cinematographic experiments as a new toolset for and within the architectural design phase were put into practice. His work is situated at the interface between media art, movie making, programming and digital architecture. Projects/Exhibitions/Lectures: TRIMARCHI DG (Mar Del Plata, ARG), 2007; MAISPACE (Vienna, AT), 2008; LEAD AWARD HAMBURG (Hamburg, DE), 2009; WITTE DE WITT / FESTIVAL OPENING (Rotterdam, NL), 2010; CODED CULTURES (Vienna, AT), 2011; FUTURE FLUXUS, DONAUFESTIVAL (Krems, AT), 2011; ORF KUNSTRADIO, RADIOKULTURHAUS (Vienna, AT), 2012; NASSAUISCHER KUNSTVEREIN (Wiesbaden, DE), 2012.


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