Net Neutrality in Europe: alea iacta est

Presented at 32C3 (2015), Dec. 28, 2015, 12:45 p.m. (30 minutes)

After two years the fight for net neutrality in Europe about the Telecom Single Market Regulation has come to a close. In this talk we will analyse the new net neutrality law and it's consequences and we give you the lessons learned from two years of EU campaigning. On 30c3 we launched the <a href=""></a> campaign. Since then activists from all around Europe fought for net neutrality and the freedom of the open internet. At 32c3 the the legislative process in Europe will have come to a close and the campaign will be mostly over. In this talk we will look back and try to learn from past mistakes and successes. What has worked and what didn't? What will the new net neutrality law in Europe actually mean in practice? We assess the repercussions for the European internet and also for the global fight for net neutrality, particularly in the global south.


  • Thomas Lohninger
    Net political activist from Austria with focus on net neutrality and data retention. <a href="">Thomas Lohninger</a> <a href="">(@socialhack)</a>, geboren 1986, hat mit der Vorratsdatenspeicherung in Österreich angefangen, sich in der Netzpolitik zu engagieren. Davor war er im LGBT- und Anti-Rassismus-Bereich tätig. Er ist Sprecher des <a href="">AKVorrat Österreich</a>, Mitglied der <a href="">Initiative für Netzfreiheit</a> und arbeitet für die <a href="">Open Knowledge Foundation</a>. Wenn er keine Netzpolitik macht, programmiert er, podcastet er oder macht Hörspiele. Seine Hauptthemen sind Netzneutralität, Vorratsdatenspeicherung und Open Knowledge.


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