Christian Schaffner

I studied mathematics at ETH Zurich (Switzerland) in 2003 and obtained a PhD degree in computer science from Aarhus University (Denmark) in 2007. After being a postdoctoral scholar at CWI Amsterdam and faculty member at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) at the University of Amsterdam, I now am full professor in Theoretical Computer Science and group leader of the [Theory of Computer Science (TCS) group]( at the Informatics Institute at University of Amsterdam. I’m an active member of the [TCS community in Amsterdam](, and senior researcher at [QuSoft](, the Dutch research center for quantum software. I carry out research in quantum cryptography, both on non-quantum cryptography that remains secure against quantum attackers (also known as post-quantum cryptography) and on the design of protocols that solve cryptographic problems involving quantum data and quantum communication. Since 2014, I am teaching a yearly master course on Shannon Information Theory at University of Amsterdam.
