took place Dec. 27, 2014 through Dec. 30, 2014 (10 years, 1 month ago) at CCH Congress Center Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany.
Saturday, Dec. 27, 2014
Sunday, Dec. 28, 2014
00:00 - Citizenfour
11:30 - Switches Get Stitches: Industrial System Ownership
11:30 - Uncaging Microchips: Techniques for Chip Preparation
11:30 - Why is GPG "damn near unusable"?: An overview of usable security research
11:30 - From Computation to Consciousness: How computation helps to explain mind, universe and everything
12:45 - Tell no-one: A century of secret deals between the NSA and the telecom industry
12:45 - Beyond PNR: Exploring airline systems
12:45 - Lightning Talks Day 2
12:45 - Serenität – Anleitung zum Glücklichsein: Das Duo 'read & delete' präsentiert radikale philosophische Texte mit musikalischer Begleitung
14:00 - Cyber Necromancy: Reverse Engineering Dead Protocols
14:00 - Programming with dependent types in Idris
14:00 - Security Analysis of Estonia's Internet Voting System
16:00 - GIFs: Tod eines Mediums. Und sein Leben nach dem Tod.: Wie es kommt, dass technischer Fortschritt den Nutzern gänzlich egal sein kann.
16:00 - Safer playing with lasers
16:00 - The automobile as massive data gathering source and the consequences for individual privacy: The next big privacy heist
16:00 - Das Transparenzportal Hamburg: Inhalt und Umsetzung
16:45 - Iridium Pager Hacking
16:45 - Krypto für die Zukunft: Verteidigung gegen Dunkle Künste
16:45 - Finding the Weak Crypto Needle in a Byte Haystack: Automatic detection of key-reuse vulnerabilities
16:45 - Long war tactics: or how we learned to stop worrying and love the NSA
17:30 - Forging the USB armory: Creating an open source secure flash-drive-sized computer
17:30 - Hacking Ethics in Education
17:30 - Mr Beam goes Kickstarter: Lessons learned from crowdfunding a hardware project
17:30 - Information Control and Strategic Violence: How governments use censorship and surveillance as part of their violent repressive tactics
18:15 - Open-BCI DIY-Neuroscience Maker-Art Mind-Hacking: open source DIY brain-computer-interfaces | technology and applications crash-course | "BCI Mind-Hacking" intro
18:15 - Privacy and Consumer Markets: Reversing the Surveillance Business Model
18:15 - Vor Windows 8 wird gewarnt: Und nichts (Secure) Bootet mehr?
18:15 - Global Civil Society Under Attack: Reports from the Frontlines
19:00 - The Invisible Committee Returns with "Fuck Off Google": Cybernetics, Anti-Terrorism, and the ongoing case against the Tarnac 10
19:00 - »Hard Drive Punch«: Destroying data as a performative act
19:00 - Internet of toilets: Trends in the sanitarian territory
20:30 - Attacks on UEFI security, inspired by Darth Venamis's misery and Speed Racer
20:30 - Preserving arcade games
20:30 - Reconstructing narratives: transparency in the service of justice
20:35 - Mining for Bugs with Graph Database Queries
21:45 - Too Many Cooks - Exploiting the Internet-of-TR-069-Things
21:45 - net neutrality: days of future past? : Taking stock after two years of net neutrality in the Netherlands
21:45 - Fernvale: An Open Hardware and Software Platform, Based on the (nominally) Closed-Source MT6260 SoC: A Lawful Method for Converting Closed IP into Open IP
21:45 - Inside Field Station Berlin Teufelsberg: The story of the NSA listening post – told by an ex-SIGINT analyst who worked there
23:00 - The Matter of Heartbleed: What went wrong, how the Internet reacted, what we can learn for the future
23:00 - Superheroes Still Need Phoneboxes: The art of making a free phonebox and the culture of anonymous communication
23:00 - Traue keinem Scan, den du nicht selbst gefälscht hast: "Bei Kopierern kommt das raus, was man reinsteckt." – Wer das denkt, sollte diesen Vortrag besuchen.
23:00 - Doing right by sources, done right
23:30 - Heartache and Heartbleed: The insider's perspective on the aftermath of Heartbleed: The untold story of what really happened, how it was patched and what was learned.
Monday, Dec. 29, 2014
Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2014