took place Dec. 27, 2014 through Dec. 30, 2014 (9 years, 11 months ago) at CCH Congress Center Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany.
Saturday, Dec. 27, 2014
Sunday, Dec. 28, 2014
00:00 - Citizenfour
11:30 - Switches Get Stitches: Industrial System Ownership
11:30 - Uncaging Microchips: Techniques for Chip Preparation
11:30 - Why is GPG "damn near unusable"?: An overview of usable security research
11:30 - From Computation to Consciousness: How computation helps to explain mind, universe and everything
12:45 - Tell no-one: A century of secret deals between the NSA and the telecom industry
12:45 - Beyond PNR: Exploring airline systems
12:45 - Lightning Talks Day 2
12:45 - Serenität – Anleitung zum Glücklichsein: Das Duo 'read & delete' präsentiert radikale philosophische Texte mit musikalischer Begleitung
14:00 - Cyber Necromancy: Reverse Engineering Dead Protocols
14:00 - Programming with dependent types in Idris
14:00 - Security Analysis of Estonia's Internet Voting System
16:00 - GIFs: Tod eines Mediums. Und sein Leben nach dem Tod.: Wie es kommt, dass technischer Fortschritt den Nutzern gänzlich egal sein kann.
16:00 - Safer playing with lasers
16:00 - The automobile as massive data gathering source and the consequences for individual privacy: The next big privacy heist
16:00 - Das Transparenzportal Hamburg: Inhalt und Umsetzung
16:45 - Iridium Pager Hacking
16:45 - Krypto für die Zukunft: Verteidigung gegen Dunkle Künste
16:45 - Finding the Weak Crypto Needle in a Byte Haystack: Automatic detection of key-reuse vulnerabilities
16:45 - Long war tactics: or how we learned to stop worrying and love the NSA
17:30 - Forging the USB armory: Creating an open source secure flash-drive-sized computer
17:30 - Hacking Ethics in Education
17:30 - Mr Beam goes Kickstarter: Lessons learned from crowdfunding a hardware project
17:30 - Information Control and Strategic Violence: How governments use censorship and surveillance as part of their violent repressive tactics
18:15 - Open-BCI DIY-Neuroscience Maker-Art Mind-Hacking: open source DIY brain-computer-interfaces | technology and applications crash-course | "BCI Mind-Hacking" intro
18:15 - Privacy and Consumer Markets: Reversing the Surveillance Business Model
18:15 - Vor Windows 8 wird gewarnt: Und nichts (Secure) Bootet mehr?
18:15 - Global Civil Society Under Attack: Reports from the Frontlines
19:00 - The Invisible Committee Returns with "Fuck Off Google": Cybernetics, Anti-Terrorism, and the ongoing case against the Tarnac 10
19:00 - »Hard Drive Punch«: Destroying data as a performative act
19:00 - Internet of toilets: Trends in the sanitarian territory
20:30 - Attacks on UEFI security, inspired by Darth Venamis's misery and Speed Racer
20:30 - Preserving arcade games
20:30 - Reconstructing narratives: transparency in the service of justice
20:35 - Mining for Bugs with Graph Database Queries
21:45 - Too Many Cooks - Exploiting the Internet-of-TR-069-Things
21:45 - net neutrality: days of future past? : Taking stock after two years of net neutrality in the Netherlands
21:45 - Fernvale: An Open Hardware and Software Platform, Based on the (nominally) Closed-Source MT6260 SoC: A Lawful Method for Converting Closed IP into Open IP
21:45 - Inside Field Station Berlin Teufelsberg: The story of the NSA listening post – told by an ex-SIGINT analyst who worked there
23:00 - The Matter of Heartbleed: What went wrong, how the Internet reacted, what we can learn for the future
23:00 - Superheroes Still Need Phoneboxes: The art of making a free phonebox and the culture of anonymous communication
23:00 - Traue keinem Scan, den du nicht selbst gefälscht hast: "Bei Kopierern kommt das raus, was man reinsteckt." – Wer das denkt, sollte diesen Vortrag besuchen.
23:00 - Doing right by sources, done right
23:30 - Heartache and Heartbleed: The insider's perspective on the aftermath of Heartbleed: The untold story of what really happened, how it was patched and what was learned.
Monday, Dec. 29, 2014
Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2014