Iridium Pager Hacking

Presented at 31C3 (2014), Dec. 28, 2014, 4:45 p.m. (30 minutes)

The chronicles of reversing the Iridium pager system.

The Iridium satellite system provides voice and data coverage to satellite phones, pagers and integrated transceivers over Earth's entire surface. It was built by Motorola over 15 years ago, and parts of it remain unchanged to this day.

Iridium pagers are similar to other pager systems from that time (they are receive-only devices) with the benefit that they will work anywhere on earth. Additionally they work on a receiver-pays subscription model, and due to their age are probably not using cryptography.

Broadcasting messages all over the world sounds interesting enough to take a closer look. As Iridium is a proprietary system, documentation is scarce and hard to come by. But with the rise of software defined radio we can take a peek at what happens over the air...


  • Stefan Zehl / Sec as Sec
    Hacking (for) the club since 1997 Sec is a longtime member of the CCC and one of the founders of the Munich CCC group and known for his presentation of Hacker Jeopardy together with ray on various hacker events over the last 10 years. He is currently working as an sysadmin for an IT-security consulting company and specializes in security, perl and the game of go.
  • schneider
    Embedded software and hardware developer and member of the muccc. Likes to hit the "Remote Update" button for thousands of devices every now and then.


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