The automobile as massive data gathering source and the consequences for individual privacy: The next big privacy heist

Presented at 31C3 (2014), Dec. 28, 2014, 4 p.m. (30 minutes)

We report about a LOAD e. V. study regarding data collection of cars, future developments of this technology field, how this data is accessed and secured and what the stakeholders (car manufacturers, car owners and users) positions are on this data gathering. In a summary we outline necessary consequences. We present a LOAD-study regarding car data. Aspects within the study are: - Car data gathering today and expected developments, - Data security and privacy of this data, - Car manufacturers position regarding data ownership and access to this data, - Survey results regarding current knowledge and understanding of car data gathering from car owners and users. Aim of the study is to highlight current issues with car data gathering and outlining necessary consequences. Über LOAD e. V. : Das Internet ist ein Versprechen von Freiheit. LOAD ist der Zusammenschluss von Menschen, die sich gemeinsam für den Schutz dieser Freiheit einsetzen. LOAD ist Denkfabrik und Interessenvertretung und fördert die aktuellen und zukünftigen Netzbürgerinnen und Netzbürger bei der Verwirklichung ihrer Grundrechte. Wir werden den gesellschaftlichen digitalen Wandel konstruktiv unterstützen. Unsere Grundwerte sind Freiheit, Eigenverantwortung und das vorurteilsfreie Interesse an Neuerungen.


  • Dr. Rüdiger Hanig
  • Jimmy Schulz
    Internet since early 90ies, father, liberal, ICANN ALAC member since 2014, German MP 2009-2013, Obmann Internet Enquete, political scientist. Born 1968 in Freiburg, raised in Ottobrunn, studied in Austin/TX and Munich (American government, marketing, political sciences), Master in political sciences. Founded CyberSolutions 1995. Stock market entry march 2000. Being disapointed about the lack of Internet Know How in parliament joined the FDP in 2000. Founded a couple of IT and Internet companies, engagement against software patents, joined AK Vorrat 2006 in Munich. Refounded CyberSolutions 2006. Member of the German Parliament (Bundestag) 2009-2013. Full member of the Interior/Home Affairs Committee, FDP spokesperson in the Enquiry Committee "Internet and Digital Society", FDP Spokesperson in the Subcommittee New Media, Today: President of CyberSolutions Ltd. President of LOAD e. V. – Verein für Netzpolitik


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