took place Aug. 11, 2022 through Aug. 14, 2022 (2 years, 7 months ago) at Caesars Forum, Flamingo, Linq, and Harrah's in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
The general admission cost for the conference was $360.00[1].
Thursday, Aug. 11, 2022
Friday, Aug. 12, 2022
09:00 - CICD security: A new eldorado Workshop
09:00 - The Art of Modern Malware Analysis: Initial Infection Malware, Infrastructure, and C2 Frameworks Workshop
09:00 - Introduction to Cryptographic Attacks Workshop
09:00 - DFIR Against the Digital Darkness: An Intro to Forensicating Evil Workshop
09:00 - Finding Security Vulnerabilities Through Fuzzing Workshop
09:30 - Combatting sexual abuse with threat intelligence techniques
10:00 - Access Undenied on AWS Demo
10:00 - TheAllCommander Demo
10:00 - Vajra - Your Weapon To Cloud Demo
10:00 - Computer Hacks in the Russia-Ukraine War
10:00 - Old Malware, New tools: Ghidra and Commodore 64, why understanding old malicious software still matters
10:00 - Panel - DEF CON Policy Dept - What is it, and what are we trying to do for hackers in the policy world?
10:00 - Panel - "So It's your first DEF CON" - How to get the most out of DEF CON, What NOT to do.
10:00 - FISSURE: The RF Framework Demo
10:00 - Zuthaka: A Command & Controls (C2s) integration framework Demo
10:30 - OopsSec -The bad, the worst and the ugly of APT’s operations security
10:35 - Hundreds of incidents, what can we share?
11:00 - The Dark Tangent & Mkfactor - Welcome to DEF CON & The Making of the DEF CON Badge
11:00 - The PACMAN Attack: Breaking PAC on the Apple M1 with Hardware Attacks
11:30 - Running Rootkits Like A Nation-State Hacker
11:30 - A Policy Fireside Chat with the National Cyber Director
11:40 - Android, Birthday Cake, Open Wifi... Oh my!
12:00 - Avoiding Memory Scanners: Customizing Malware to Evade YARA, PE-sieve, and More
12:00 - Glitched on Earth by humans: A Black-Box Security Evaluation of the SpaceX Starlink User Terminal
12:00 - Wakanda Land Demo
12:00 - One Bootloader to Load Them All
12:00 - AzureGoat: Damn Vulnerable Azure Infrastructure Demo
12:00 - EMBA - Open-Source Firmware Security Testing Demo
12:00 - Red Teaming the Open Source Software Supply Chain
12:00 - Packet Sender Demo
12:00 - Hacking law is for hackers - how recent changes to CFAA, DMCA, and global policies affect security research
12:00 - Mercury Demo
12:10 - The Richest Phisherman in Colombia
12:30 - Global Challenges, Global Approaches in Cyber Policy
12:45 - Taking Down the Grid
13:00 - You’re <strike>Muted</strike>Rooted
13:00 - Backdooring Pickles: A decade only made things worse
13:00 - Emoji Shellcoding: 🛠️, 🧌, and 🤯
13:30 - A Policy Fireside Chat with Jay Healey
13:30 - Weaponizing Windows Syscalls as Modern, 32-bit Shellcode
13:50 - Don't Blow A Fuse: Some Truths about Fusion Centres
14:00 - Meet the Feds: ONCO Edition
14:00 - Emerging Technical Cyber Policy Topics
14:00 - Space Jam: Exploring Radio Frequency Attacks in Outer Space
14:00 - Securing Smart Contracts Workshop
14:00 - Phreaking 2.0 - Abusing Microsoft Teams Direct Routing
14:00 - Process injection: breaking all macOS security layers with a single vulnerability
14:00 - Securing Industrial Control Systems from the core: PLC secure coding practices Workshop
14:00 - CyberPeace Builders Demo
14:00 - AWSGoat : A Damn Vulnerable AWS Infrastructure Demo
14:00 - PCILeech and MemProcFS Demo
14:00 - Hand On Mainframe Buffer Overflows - RCE Edition Workshop
14:00 - AADInternals: The Ultimate Azure AD Hacking Toolkit Demo
14:00 - Badrats: Initial Access Made Easy Demo
14:00 - Emerging Cybersecurity Policy Topics
14:00 - Hacking the Metal 2: Hardware and the Evolution of C Creatures Workshop
14:30 - Trace me if you can: Bypassing Linux Syscall Tracing
14:30 - Leak The Planet: Veritatem cognoscere non pereat mundus
14:55 - Cloud Threat Actors: No longer cryptojacking for fun and profit
15:00 - Exploring the hidden attack surface of OEM IoT devices: pwning thousands of routers with a vulnerability in Realtek’s SDK for eCos OS.
15:00 - LSASS Shtinkering: Abusing Windows Error Reporting to Dump LSASS
15:30 - Browser-Powered Desync Attacks: A New Frontier in HTTP Request Smuggling
15:30 - How Russia is trying to block Tor
16:00 - Automated Trolling for Fun and No Profit
16:00 - Moving Regulation Upstream - An Increasing focus on the Role of Digital Service Providers
16:00 - Election Security Bridge Building
16:00 - Wireless Keystroke Injection (WKI) via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
16:00 - Hacking ISPs with Point-to-Pwn Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE)
16:30 - A dead man’s full-yet-responsible-disclosure system
16:30 - The Internet’s role in sanctions enforcement: Russia/Ukraine and the future
17:00 - Hunting Bugs in The Tropics
17:00 - Let's Dance in the Cache - Destabilizing Hash Table on Microsoft IIS
17:05 - Deadly Russian Malware in Ukraine
17:30 - Deanonymization of TOR HTTP hidden services
17:30 - Walk This Way: What Run D.M.C. and Aerosmith Can Teach Us About the Future of Cybersecurity
18:00 - Pulling Passwords out of Configuration Manager: Practical Attacks against Microsoft's Endpoint Management Software
18:00 - Tear Down this Zywall: Breaking Open Zyxel Encrypted Firmware
18:00 - Killer Hertz
18:30 - Dragon Tails: Supply-side Security and International Vulnerability Disclosure Law
19:00 - Meet the Feds: CISA Edition (Lounge)
20:00 - Meet the Feds: DHS Edition (Lounge)
Saturday, Aug. 13, 2022
09:00 - Dig Dug: The Lost Art of Network Tunneling Workshop
09:00 - CTF 101: Breaking into CTFs (or “The Petting Zoo” - Breaking into CTFs) Workshop
09:00 - Windows Defence Evasion and Fortification Primitives Workshop
09:00 - Pivoting, Tunneling, and Redirection Master Class Workshop
09:00 - Master Class: Delivering a New Construct in Advanced Volatile Memory Analysis for Fun and Profit Workshop
09:30 - Geo-Targeting Live Tweets
10:00 - EDR detection mechanisms and bypass techniques with EDRSandBlast Demo
10:00 - Scaling the Security Researcher to Eliminate OSS Vulnerabilities Once and For All
10:00 - Memfini - A systemwide memory monitor interface for linux Demo
10:00 - svachal + machinescli Demo
10:00 - Brazil Redux: Short Circuiting Tech-Enabled Dystopia with The Right to Repair
10:00 - Hacking Operational Collaboration
10:00 - Literal Self-Pwning: Why Patients - and Their Advocates - Should Be Encouraged to Hack, Improve, and Mod Med Tech
10:00 - Injectyll-HIDe: Pushing the Future of Hardware Implants to the Next Level Demo
10:00 - Imagining a cyber policy crisis: Storytelling and Simulation for real-world risks
10:00 - Empire 4.0 and Beyond Demo
10:35 - What your stolen identity did on its CoViD vacation
11:00 - No-Code Malware: Windows 11 At Your Service
11:00 - How To Get MUMPS Thirty Years Later (or, Hacking The Government via FOIA'd Code)
11:00 - My First Hack Was in 1958 (Then A Career in Rock’n’Roll Taught Me About Security)
11:30 - Reversing the Original Xbox Live Protocols
11:40 - This one time, at this Hospital, I got Ransomware
12:00 - Defensive 5G Demo
12:00 - Tracking Military Ghost Helicopters over our Nation's Capital
12:00 - All Roads leads to GKE's Host : 4+ Ways to Escape
12:00 - alsanna Demo
12:00 - unblob - towards efficient firmware extraction Demo
12:00 - PMR - PT & VA Management & Reporting Demo
12:00 - Addressing the gap in assessing (or measuring) the harm of cyberattacks
12:00 - Hacking Aviation Policy
12:00 - SharpSCCM Demo
12:00 - The Evil PLC Attack: Weaponizing PLCs
12:30 - The hitchhacker’s guide to iPhone Lightning & JTAG hacking
12:30 - Analyzing PIPEDREAM: Challenges in testing an ICS attack toolkit.
12:30 - UFOs, Alien Life, and the Least Untruthful Things I Can Say.
12:45 - Voter Targeting, Location Data, and You
13:00 - Chromebook Breakout: Escaping Jail, with your friends, using a Pico Ducky
13:00 - Exploring Ancient Ruins to Find Modern Bugs: Discovering a 0-Day in an MS-RPC Service
13:30 - Do Not Trust the ASA, Trojans!
13:30 - HACK THE HEMISPHERE! How we (legally) broadcasted hacker content to all of North America using an end-of-life geostationary satellite, and how you can set up your own broadcast too!
13:50 - INTERNET WARS 2022: These wars aren't just virtual
14:00 - ResidueFree Demo
14:00 - Hybrid Phishing Payloads: From Threat-actors to You Workshop
14:00 - hls4ml - Open Source Machine Learning Accelerators on FPGAs Demo
14:00 - Confronting Reality in Cyberspace: Foreign Policy for a Fragmented Internet
14:00 - OpenCola. The AntiSocial Network
14:00 - The COW (Container On Windows) Who Escaped the Silo
14:00 - Creating and uncovering malicious containers. Workshop
14:00 - Evading Detection: A Beginner's Guide to Obfuscation Workshop
14:00 - Automated Debugging Under The Hood - Building A Programmable Windows Debugger From Scratch (In Python) Workshop
14:00 - Xavier Memory Analysis Framework Demo
14:00 - Return-Oriented Policy Making for Open Source and Software Security
14:00 - OpenTDF Demo
14:00 - Control Validation Compass – Threat Modeling Aide & Purple Team Content Repo Demo
14:00 - Securing Web Apps Workshop
14:30 - Digging into Xiaomi’s TEE to get to Chinese money
14:30 - Doing the Impossible: How I Found Mainframe Buffer Overflows
15:00 - You Have One New Appwntment - Hacking Proprietary iCalendar Properties
15:00 - Déjà Vu: Uncovering Stolen Algorithms in Commercial Products
15:00 - The Big Rick: How I Rickrolled My High School District and Got Away With It
15:30 - Perimeter Breached! Hacking an Access Control System
15:30 - Automotive Ethernet Fuzzing: From purchasing ECU to SOME/IP fuzzing
15:30 - Tor: Darknet Opsec By a Veteran Darknet Vendor & the Hackers Mentality
16:00 - Trailer Shouting: Talking PLC4TRUCKS Remotely with an SDR
16:00 - Right Hand, Meet Left Hand: The Cybersecurity Implications of Non-Cybersecurity Internet Regulation (Community Roundtable)
16:00 - Dancing Around DRM
16:00 - Low Code High Risk: Enterprise Domination via Low Code Abuse
16:00 - International Government Action Against Ransomware
16:30 - Defeating Moving Elements in High Security Keys
16:30 - Why did you lose the last PS5 restock to a bot Top-performing app-hackers business modules, architecture, and techniques
17:00 - Hacking The Farm: Breaking Badly Into Agricultural Devices.
17:00 - Internal Server Error: Exploiting Inter-Process Communication with new desynchronization primitives
17:05 - Ghost Guns: Rapidly acquiring, constructing or improvising firearms
17:15 - Thinking About Election Security: Annual Debrief (Community Roundtable)
17:30 - Crossing the KASM -- a webapp pentest story
17:30 - Black-Box Assessment of Smart Cards
18:00 - The CSRF Resurrections! Starring the Unholy Trinity: Service Worker of PWA, SameSite of HTTP Cookie, and Fetch
18:30 - Digital Skeleton Keys - We’ve got a bone to pick with offline Access Control Systems
19:00 - D0 N0 H4RM: A Healthcare Security Conversation (Lounge)
Sunday, Aug. 14, 2022
Monday, Aug. 15, 2022
Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2022
- ^ This price is meant to give a general idea of the cost of attending the conference. Many conferences have varying prices based on number of days of attendance, early registration, tiers of support, or additional costs for workshops or trainings. The price here is meant to represent the most common cost for the majority of attendees. See the conference's homepage, if applicable, for details.