Reversing the Original Xbox Live Protocols

Presented at DEF CON 30 (2022), Aug. 13, 2022, 11:30 a.m. (45 minutes)

Xbox Live for original Xbox systems launched on November 15, 2002 and was subsequently discontinued on April 15, 2010. The first half of this talk will be an infromation dense overview of the gritty details of how the underlying protocols work and intermixing a retrospective of two decades of how the industry has approached IOT and network security. The second half of the talk will use that base to discuss the architecture of drop in replacement server infrastructure, how the speaker approaches the ethics of third party support for non-updatable abandoned networked devices, and culminating in a demo.


  • Tristan Miller - Hacker
    monocasa has over a decade of industry experience as an engineer in related sub-fields such as firmware development, binary reversing, cloud based device and identity management, and custom tunneling of IP.


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