Melvin Langvik

Melvin started as a C# Azure developer and integrations consultant after finishing his bachelor’s degree in computer engineering. During his time as a developer, he got hands-on experience with rapidly creating and deploying critical backend infrastructure for an international client base. It was during this period Melvin started to pursue his goal of transiting into offensive security. Melvin broke into the HackTheBox cybersecurity platform “Hall Of Fame” and subsequently successfully landed as a security consultant. While working as a penetration tester, Melvin has contributed to the infosec community by releasing open-source and offensively targeted C# based tools and techniques, such as BetterSafetyKatz, SharpProxyLogon, AzureC2Relay, and CobaltBus. Melvin is also the creator and maintainer of the SharpCollection project, a project which utilizes Azure DevOps PipeLines to automatically release pre-compiled binaries of the most common offensive C# projects, triggered by updates from their respective main branch

