Hands-On TCP/IP Deep Dive with Wireshark - How this stuff really works

Presented at DEF CON 30 (2022), Aug. 11, 2022, 9 a.m. (240 minutes)

Let's break out Wireshark and dig deep in to the TCP and IP protocols. This skill is critical for anyone interested in any area of cybersecurity, no matter the color of the hat. Almost all enumeration, scans, incident response, and traffic forensics require the analyst to dig into and interpret TCP conversations. When enumerating an environment, identifying key TCP/IP indicators in protocol headers can also help when passively fingerprinting systems. In this workshop we will roll back our sleeves and learn how TCP/IP really works - the handshake, options, sequence/ack numbers, retransmissions, TTL, and much more. This workshop welcomes all cybersecurity and wireshark experience levels. Materials: Just a laptop with a copy of Wireshark. I will provide the sample pcaps for analysis. Prereq: None


  • Chris Greer - Network Analyst & Wireshark Instructor
    Chris Greer is a Packet Head. He is a Packet Analyst and Trainer for Packet Pioneer, a Wireshark University partner, and has a passion for digging into the packet-weeds and finding answers to network and cybersecurity problems. Chris has a YouTube channel where he focuses on videos showing how to use Wireshark to examine TCP connections, options, and unusual behaviors, as well as spotting scans, analyzing malware, and other IOC’s in the traffic. His approach to training is that if you aren’t having fun doing something, you won’t retain what you are learning, so he strives to bring as much hands-on and humor to the classroom as possible. Chris remembers what it was like to look at Wireshark for the first time, and knows how complicated packet analysis can be. With that in mind, he has designed an easy-to-follow course that will appeal both to the beginner and more advanced Packet Person.

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