How Russia is trying to block Tor

Presented at DEF CON 30 (2022), Aug. 12, 2022, 3:30 p.m. (45 minutes)

In December 2021, some ISPs in Russia started blocking Tor's website, along with protocol-level (DPI) and network-level (IP address) blocking to try to make it harder for people in Russia to reach the Tor network. Some months later, we're now at a steady-state where they are trying to find new IP addresses to block and we're rotating IP addresses to keep up. In this talk I'll walk through what steps the Russian censors have taken, and how we reverse engineered their attempts and changed our strategies and our software. Then we'll discuss where the arms race goes from here, what new techniques the anti-censorship world needs if we're going to stay ahead of future attacks, and what it means for the world that more and more countries are turning to network-level blocking as the solution to their political problems.


  • Roger Dingledine - The Tor Project
    Roger Dingledine is president and co-founder of the Tor Project, a nonprofit that develops free and open source software to protect people from tracking, censorship, and surveillance online. Wearing one hat, Roger works with journalists and activists on many continents to help them understand and defend against the threats they face. Wearing another, he is a lead researcher in the online anonymity field, coordinating and mentoring academic researchers working on Tor-related topics. Since 2002 he has helped organize the yearly international Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS). Among his achievements, Roger was chosen by the MIT Technology Review as one of its top 35 innovators under 35, he co-authored the Tor design paper that won the Usenix Security "Test of Time" award, and he has been recognized by Foreign Policy magazine as one of its top 100 global thinkers.


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