Ghost Guns: Rapidly acquiring, constructing or improvising firearms

Presented at DEF CON 30 (2022), Aug. 13, 2022, 5:05 p.m. (50 minutes)

You may be old enough to remember the civil unrest of 2020, but what you may not have noticed was the total absence of guns and ammunition from the store shelves. With escalating levels of violence you may have thought that exercising your human right to self protection would have been nice, but now you have found yourself behind the curve, and with few options. We will discuss a variety of steps to rapidly source, acquire, improvise, or construct firearms and ammunition from scratch, or from readily available precursor components. There will be a discussion of recent events involving improvised firearms on the world stage.

Elevator pitch: The world is dangerous. I will tell you how to make or source guns and ammunition. Don't break the law.


  • Judge Taylor
    The Hon., Rev., Dr. Taylor, Esq., J.D. (because fucking titles.. am I right?), Judge, Firearms Law Attorney, drafter of fine old fashioned legislation, righter of wrongs, and fucking cripple; is annoyed, loud, and as funny as your worst enemy's heart attack; is an expert in what the government ought not to do.. but the government keeps doing anyway.

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