Black Hat USA 2017
took place July 22, 2017 through July 27, 2017 (7 years, 6 months ago) at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
The general admission cost for the conference was $2,395.00[1].
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Thursday, July 27, 2017
09:00 - The Future of ApplePwn - How to Save Your Money
09:00 - Influencing the Market to Improve Security
09:00 - The Epocholypse 2038: What's in Store for the Next 20 Years
09:00 - OpenCrypto: Unchaining the JavaCard Ecosystem
09:00 - Bot vs. Bot for Evading Machine Learning Malware Detection
09:00 - The Shadow Brokers – Cyber Fear Game-Changers
09:00 - Escalating Insider Threats Using VMware's API
09:00 - Skype & Type: Keystroke Leakage over VoIP
09:00 - The Industrial Revolution of Lateral Movement
09:45 - 'Ghost Telephonist' Link Hijack Exploitations in 4G LTE CS Fallback
09:45 - Sonic Gun to Smart Devices: Your Devices Lose Control Under Ultrasound/Sound
09:45 - Datacenter Orchestration Security and Insecurity: Assessing Kubernetes, Mesos, and Docker at Scale
09:45 - Broadpwn: Remotely Compromising Android and iOS via a Bug in Broadcom's Wi-Fi Chipsets
09:45 - rVMI: A New Paradigm for Full System Analysis
09:45 - Fad or Future? Getting Past the Bug Bounty Hype
09:45 - Evading Microsoft ATA for Active Directory Domination
09:45 - Advanced Pre-Breach Planning: Utilizing a Purple Team to Measure Effectiveness vs. Maturity
09:45 - Redesigning PKI to Solve Revocation, Expiration, and Rotation Problems
11:00 - Go to Hunt, Then Sleep
11:00 - Breaking the Laws of Robotics: Attacking Industrial Robots
11:00 - Infecting the Enterprise: Abusing Office365+Powershell for Covert C2
11:00 - Practical Tips for Defending Web Applications in the Age of DevOps
11:00 - Bug Collisions Meet Government Vulnerability Disclosure
11:00 - Hunting GPS Jammers
11:00 - Intel SGX Remote Attestation is Not Sufficient
11:00 - Don't Trust the DOM: Bypassing XSS Mitigations via Script Gadgets
11:00 - Why Most Cyber Security Training Fails and What We Can Do About it
12:10 - kR^X: Comprehensive Kernel Protection Against Just-In-Time Code Reuse
12:10 - Cyber Wargaming: Lessons Learned in Influencing Security Stakeholders Inside and Outside Your Organization
12:10 - Game of Chromes: Owning the Web with Zombie Chrome Extensions
12:10 - AVPASS: Leaking and Bypassing Antivirus Detection Model Automatically
12:10 - Quantifying Risk in Consumer Software at Scale - Consumer Reports' Digital Standard
12:10 - Free-Fall: Hacking Tesla from Wireless to CAN Bus
12:10 - Honey, I Shrunk the Attack Surface – Adventures in Android Security Hardening
12:10 - Attacking Encrypted USB Keys the Hard(ware) Way
14:30 - The Origin of Array [@@species]: How Standards Drive Bugs in Script Engines
14:30 - Firmware is the New Black - Analyzing Past Three Years of BIOS/UEFI Security Vulnerabilities
14:30 - Evil Bubbles or How to Deliver Attack Payload via the Physics of the Process
14:30 - Automated Detection of Vulnerabilities in Black-Box Routers (and Other Network Devices)
14:30 - Defeating Samsung KNOX with Zero Privilege
14:30 - Evolutionary Kernel Fuzzing
14:30 - Taking Over the World Through MQTT - Aftermath
14:30 - Exploit Kit Cornucopia
14:30 - Friday the 13th: JSON Attacks
15:50 - Electronegativity - A Study of Electron Security
15:50 - Digital Vengeance: Exploiting the Most Notorious C&C Toolkits
15:50 - Exploiting Network Printers
15:50 - WiFuzz: Detecting and Exploiting Logical Flaws in the Wi-Fi Cryptographic Handshake
15:50 - Lies, and Damn Lies: Getting Past the Hype of Endpoint Security Solutions
15:50 - Blue Pill for Your Phone
15:50 - And Then the Script-Kiddie Said, "Let There be No Light." Are Cyber-Attacks on the Power Grid Limited to Nation-State Actors?
15:50 - Intel AMT Stealth Breakthrough
15:50 - Well, that Escalated Quickly! How Abusing Docker API Led to Remote Code Execution, Same Origin Bypass and Persistence in the Hypervisor via Shadow Containers
17:00 - Behind the Plexiglass Curtain: Stats and Stories from the Black Hat NOC
17:00 - Betraying the BIOS: Where the Guardians of the BIOS are Failing
17:00 - RBN Reloaded - Amplifying Signals from the Underground
17:00 - A New Era of SSRF - Exploiting URL Parser in Trending Programming Languages!
17:00 - Revoke-Obfuscation: PowerShell Obfuscation Detection (And Evasion) Using Science
17:00 - Cloak & Dagger: From Two Permissions to Complete Control of the UI Feedback Loop
17:00 - IoTCandyJar: Towards an Intelligent-Interaction Honeypot for IoT Devices
17:00 - The Adventures of AV and the Leaky Sandbox
17:00 - Breaking the x86 Instruction Set
- ^ This price is meant to give a general idea of the cost of attending the conference. Many conferences have varying prices based on number of days of attendance, early registration, tiers of support, or additional costs for workshops or trainings. The price here is meant to represent the most common cost for the majority of attendees. See the conference's homepage, if applicable, for details.