Presented at
Black Hat USA 2017,
July 27, 2017, 9 a.m.
(25 minutes).
It's the 20th Black Hat, and it's been a wild ride from 1997 to 2017. So, what will happen over the NEXT 20 years? Let's ask Mikko. In this talk he will outlane the changing landscape of computer security and what are likely to be the most important upcoming developments. By understanding attackers and their motives, we can best protect our computers. And in the future, there's much more to protect than just computers.
Mikko Hyppönen
- CRO, F-Secure
as Mikko Hypponen
Mikko Hypponen is a cyber war veteran and the Chief Research Officer of F-Secure. He has been reverse engineering malware since 1991. Mr. Hypponen has written on his research for the New York Times, Wired and Scientific American and lectured at the universities of Oxford, Stanford and Cambridge. He's also the Curator for the Malware Museum at the Internet Archive.
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