Rodrigo Branco

Rodrigo Rubira Branco (BSDaemon) works as Senior Principal Security Researcher at Intel Corporation in the Security Center of Excellence where he leads the Core Client and BIOS Teams. Rodrigo released dozens of vulnerabilities in many important software in the past. In 2011 he was honored as one of the top contributors of Adobe. He is a member of the RISE Security Group and is the organizer of Hackers to Hackers Conference (H2HC), the oldest security research conference in Latin America. He is an active contributor to open-source projects (like ebizzy, linux kernel, others). Accepted speaker in lots of security and open-source related events as Black Hat, Hack in The Box, XCon, OLS, Defcon, Hackito, Zero Nights, PhDays, Troopers and many others. Rodrigo is also part of the committee for many security conferences, such as Black Hat (invited reviewer), PhDays, Hackito, NoSuchCon, Opcde, CCNC, LACSEC and others.

