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ShmooCon XV
ShmooCon XV (2019)
ShmooCon XV
took place Jan. 18, 2019 through Jan. 20, 2019 (6 years ago) at an unknown location.
[Internet Archive] 2019/
Friday, Jan. 18, 2019
14:00 -
Opening Remarks, Rumblings, Ruminations, and Rants
15:30 -
Incident Response and the Attorney Client Privilege
16:00 -
Ad-Laundering: Bribes & Backdoors
16:30 -
Machine Learning Models that Predict Mental Health Status on Twitter and Their Privacy Implications
17:00 -
How the Press Gets Pwned
17:30 -
Kinder Garten Security: Teaching the Pre-college Crowd
18:00 -
It’s 2019 and Special Agent Johnny Still Can’t Encrypt
19:00 -
Firetalks Opening
19:10 -
Firetalk #1: Shut up and Listen
19:30 -
Firetalk #2: Specialists versus Jack-Of-All-Trades
19:50 -
Firetalk #3: Équipe Rouge: The Ethics of Prosecuting An Offensive Security Campaign
20:10 -
Firetalk #4: Weapons of Text Destruction
20:30 -
Firetalk #5: Infosec and 9-1-1: When the Location of Your Emergency is in the Building
20:50 -
Firetalk #6: Whats the latest 411 on 419s?
21:10 -
Firetalks Closing
Saturday, Jan. 19, 2019
10:00 -
Writing a Fuzzer for Any Language with American Fuzzy Lop
10:00 -
High Confidence Malware Attribution using the Rich Header
10:00 -
The Beginner’s Guide to the Musical Scales of Cyberwar
11:00 -
The APT at Home: The attacker that knows your mother’s maiden name
11:00 -
BECs and Beyond: Investigating and Defending Office 365
11:00 -
CryptoLocker Deep-Dive: Tracking security threats on the Bitcoin public ledger
12:00 -
Process Control Through Counterfeit Comms: Using and Abusing Built-In Functionality to Own a PLC
12:00 -
Five-sigma Network Events (and how to find them)
12:00 -
Firemen vs. Safety Matches: How the current skills pipeline is wrong
14:00 -
Be an IoT Safety Hero: Policing Unsafe IoT through the Consumer Product Safety Commission
14:00 -
Electronic Voting in 2018: Bad or Worse?
14:00 -
Ground Truth: 18 vendors, 6000 firmware images, 2.7 million binaries, and a flaw in the Linux/MIPS stack
15:00 -
Advancing a Scientific Approach to Security Tool Evaluations with MITRE ATT&CK™
15:00 -
Analyzing Shodan Images With Optical Character Recognition
15:00 -
Trip Wire(less)
15:30 -
Security Response Survival Skills
15:30 -
Social Network Analysis: A scary primer
15:30 -
Mentoring the Intelligent Deviant: What the special operations and infosec communities can learn from each other
16:00 -
Three Ways DuckDuckGo Protects User Privacy While Getting Things Done (and how you can too)
16:00 -
iPhone Surgery for the Practically Paranoid
16:00 -
A Little Birdy Told Me About Your Warrants
16:30 -
A Code Pirate’s Cutlass: Recovering Software Architecture from Embedded Binaries
16:30 -
Post-quantum Crypto: Today’s defense against tomorrow’s quantum hacker
16:30 -
A Tisket, a Tasket, a Dark Web Shopping Basket
17:00 -
0wn the Con
17:00 -
24/7 CTI: Operationalizing Cyber Threat Intelligence
17:00 -
Behind Enemy Lines: Inside the operations of a nation state’s cyber program
Sunday, Jan. 20, 2019
10:00 -
Looking for Malicious Hardware Implants with Minimal Equipment
10:00 -
Building and Selling Solo, an Open Source Secure Hardware Token
10:00 -
Deconstructing DeFeNeStRaTe.C
11:00 -
Un-f*$#ing Cloud Storage Encryption
11:00 -
Reversing SR-IOV For Fun and Profit
11:00 -
IPv666: Address of the Beast
12:00 -
IMSI Catchers Demystified
12:00 -
Patchwerk: Kernel Patching for Fun and Profit
12:00 -
Encrypting the Web Isn’t Enough: How EFF Plans to Encrypt the Entire Internet
13:00 -
Between Two Moose
14:00 -
Closing Remarks
Adam Everspaugh
Adir Abraham
Amélie Koran
Andrea Matwyshyn
Andrew Blaich
Andrew Morris
Andrew Wong
Anne Addison Meriwether
Ariel Zelivansky
Avi Zajac
Ben Ridgway
Bruce Potter /
Chris Cox
Christian Paquin
Christine Giglio
Christopher Grayson
Conor Patrick
David Huerta
Douglas Bienstock
Elliot Kaye
Emma Zaballos
Evan Jensen
Falcon Darkstar Momot
Francis Duff
Jacob Miller
Janith Weerasingh
Jared Rittle
Jared Stroud
Jeremy Gillula
Jessica ‘Zhanna’ Malekos Smith
Jewell Seay
John Amirrezvani
John O’Neil
Karl Koscher /
Kevin Bilzer
Kirsten Renner
Marc Newlin
Marc Soda
Matt Blaze
Michael Flossman
Michael Portera
Nicolas Kseib
Nicole Schwartz
Nina Kollars
Olivia Thet
Parker Thompson
Parker Wiksell
Paul Brister
Peiter Zatko /
Phil Vachon
Philip Young /
Soldier of FORTRAN
RJ Joyce
Rachel Greenstadt
Ray [Redacted]
Roy Iversen
Rudy Cuevas
Ryan Clarke /
Sandra Gorka
Seamus Burke
Tarah Wheeler /
The Shmoo Group
Tim Carstens
Wendy Knox Everette
Whitney Merrill
Xena Olsen