24/7 CTI: Operationalizing Cyber Threat Intelligence

Presented at ShmooCon XV (2019), Jan. 19, 2019, 5 p.m. (30 minutes).

Reese Witherspoon said, “With the right kind of coaching and determination you can accomplish anything.” She said “anything” right?! Join me on an 8 month adventure of building a 24/7 threat intelligence program. In this talk you’ll learn the techniques and training methodologies as well as lessons learned when leveraging SOC Analysts to perform threat intelligence analysis. The focus will be on how you can implement a 24/7 CTI program NOW with your existing tools, budget, and experience.


  • Xena Olsen
    Xena Olsen (@ch33r10) is a cyber threat intelligence analyst in the financial services industry. She is a graduate of the SANS Women’s Academy with 3 GIAC certifications and a current graduate student seeking an MBA in IT Management. Her current focus is malware analysis and paying it forward through her Women in Information Security Group.


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