Firetalk #6: Whats the latest 411 on 419s?

Presented at ShmooCon XV (2019), Jan. 18, 2019, 8:50 p.m. (20 minutes)

Scammers and thieves continue to develop new and innovative ways to rip you off. The purpose of this session will be to discuss the newest tricks and techniques being used by 419 online scammers as well as three OpSec pitfalls you can avoid to protect yourself in an ever more-hostile environment.


  • Ray [Redacted]
    Ray [Redacted] (@RayRedacted) is a technologist and researcher for a 1.3 billion dollar global provider of connectivity and cyber security solutions. He has 20 years of expertise in application solution design, next-generation network architectures, and evolving and emerging cyber threat. Ray frequently presents at cryptocurrency and infosec security conferences, discussing topics such as the History of Hacking, advanced persistent threats, cryptography, and influence operations.

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