took place Dec. 27, 2013 through Dec. 31, 2013 (11 years, 1 month ago) at CCH Congress Center Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany.
Friday, Dec. 27, 2013
Saturday, Dec. 28, 2013
00:00 - Maulwolf DJs (Renken&Rothstein)
00:00 - Die Lange Nacht der Hacker: Sondersendung live
00:00 - Hacker Jeopardy: Zahlenraten für Geeks [Number guessing for geeks]
00:30 - Sim Gishel: A singing and dancing robot build to take part in casting shows
02:00 - Superdefekt (MFOC)
03:30 - Robo Klein & John Ohrt (Universum Alltona)
11:30 - Hello World!: How to make art after Snowden?
11:30 - BREACH in Agda: Security notions, proofs and attacks using dependently typed functional programming
11:30 - The Gospel of IRMA : Attribute Based Credentials in Practice
11:30 - We only have one earth: A case for expansionistic space policy
12:45 - Glass Hacks: Fun and frightening uses of always-on camera enabled wearable computers
12:45 - Extracting keys from FPGAs, OTP Tokens and Door Locks: Side-Channel (and other) Attacks in Practice
12:45 - Fast Internet-wide Scanning and its Security Applications
12:45 - Lightning Talks, Day 2
13:00 - live! Gongkonzert Klanghaus Media Audionic: formatierung der neurologischen Festplatten und update der biologischen Betriebssysteme auf Homo Cosmicus 1.0 mit kosmologisch relevanten Frequenzklastern
14:00 - Magic Lantern: Free Software on Your Camera
14:00 - DJ Elbe (Elfenmaschine)
14:00 - EUDataP: State of the Union
14:00 - Hillbilly Tracking of Low Earth Orbit: Repurposing an Inmarsat Dish
16:00 - My journey into FM-RDS
16:00 - Against Metadata: Twisting time and space to explore the unknown
16:00 - Na Nu? Ein Gnu!
16:00 - Die Bundesrepublik – das am meisten überwachte Land in Europa : Historische Grundlagen und notwendige Konsequenzen
16:00 - Script Your Car!: Using existing hardware platforms to integrate python into your dashboard
16:30 - Deutschlandfunk Live: Computer und Kommunikation über den 30C3
16:45 - The Pirate Cinema: Creating mash-up movies by hidden activity and geography of Peer-to-Peer file sharing
17:15 - FPGA 101: Making awesome stuff with FPGAs
17:15 - Hardware Attacks, Advanced ARM Exploitation, and Android Hacking
17:30 - Turing Complete User: What can be done to protect the term, the notion and the existence of the Users?
18:00 - Don Shtone (Sven Dohse)
18:00 - "Datenschutz aus Brüssel - Wer will denn das?": Deutschlandfunk Extra live
18:15 - Open source experimental incubator build up: call for participation in project and product development
18:30 - V wie Verfassungsschutz
18:30 - Introduction to Processor Design
18:30 - The Year in Crypto
19:00 - Hacking as Artistic Practice: !Mediengruppe Bitnik about their recent works
19:30 - Caayari : A Mate Butoh Performance
20:00 - live! At the space office (Universum Alltona)
20:30 - Desperately Seeking Susy: A farewell to a bold proposal?
20:30 - 25 Jahre Chipkarten-Angriffe: Von der Historie zur Zukunft
20:30 - Kraftfuttermischwerk: DJ Set:
20:30 - Revisiting "Trusting Trust" for binary toolchains
20:30 - Bullshit made in Germany: So hosten Sie Ihre De-Mail, E-Mail und Cloud direkt beim BND!
21:30 - Zeitgeist
21:45 - Art of the Exploit: An Introduction to Critical Engineering
21:45 - Security of the IC Backside: The future of IC analysis
21:45 - Programming FPGAs with PSHDL: Let's create the Arduino for FPGAs
22:00 - The good, the bad, and the ugly - Linux Kernel patches
22:45 - Plants & Machines: Food replicating Robots from Open Source Technologies
23:00 - SCADA StrangeLove 2: We already know
23:00 - Roamin'Roman
23:00 - Disclosure DOs, Disclosure DON'Ts: Pragmatic Advice for Security Researchers
23:00 - Seeing The Secret State: Six Landscapes
23:30 - Technomonopolies: How technology is used to subvert and circumvent anti-monopoly laws
Sunday, Dec. 29, 2013
00:00 - gaya kloud: DJ Set:
00:00 - Perfect Paul: On Freedom of Facial Expression
00:00 - Jahresrückblick des CCC
00:00 - Googlequiz: 2013er Edition
00:30 - live! Neal White
02:00 - deo&z-man (mafiosibros.)
03:30 - Holle Lang
11:30 - Europe, the USA and Identity Ecosystems
11:30 - Making machines that make: rapid prototyping of digital fabrication and instrumentation machines
11:30 - Y U NO ISP, taking back the Net
11:30 - India's Surveillance State
12:15 - Building a safe NFC ticketing system
12:45 - ID Cards in China: Your Worst Nightmare: In China Your ID Card Knows Everything
12:45 - Drones: Autonomous flying vehicles, where are we and where are we going?
12:45 - Lightning Talks, Day 3
13:00 - Structuring open hardware projects: experiences from the "i3 Berlin" 3D printer project with Blender and Github
13:00 - live! Gongkonzert Klanghaus Media Audionic: formatierung der neurologischen Festplatten und update der biologischen Betriebssysteme auf Homo Cosmicus 1.0 mit kosmologisch relevanten Frequenzklastern
13:30 - dj-spock
13:45 - calc.pw: Passwortgenerierung mit Arduino [Generating passwords with Arduino]
14:00 - RFID Treehouse of Horror: Hacking City-Wide Access Control Systems
14:00 - The Exploration and Exploitation of an SD Memory Card: by xobs & bunnie
14:00 - Tasmo: DJ Set:
14:30 - The ArduGuitar: An Arduino Powered Electric Guitar
15:30 - Fukami
16:00 - Towards an affordable brain-computer-interface
16:00 - #SOPA, #NSA, and the New Internet "Lobby"
16:00 - Android DDI: Dynamic Dalvik Instrumentation of Android Applications and the Android Framework
16:00 - How to Build a Mind: Artificial Intelligence Reloaded
16:45 - Nerds in the news: Spending a year coding in a newsroom
17:00 - Acid Pauli!!!!!!: Acid Pauli!!
17:15 - White-Box Cryptography: Survey
17:15 - Even More Tamagotchis Were Harmed in the Making of this Presentation
17:15 - Recht auf Remix
17:30 - Data Mining for Good: Using random sampling, entity resolution, communications metadata, and statistical modeling to assist prosecutions for disappearance and genocide in Guatemala
18:00 - Barbnerdy: DJ Set:
18:15 - 2 Takte später: 30C3S SCE mbH: GEMA-Konkurrenz für Fortgeschrittene
18:30 - Peer Gregorius (Nation of Gondwana)
18:30 - X Security: It's worse than it looks
18:30 - Calafou, postcapitalist ecoindustrial community: Building a space for grassroots sustainable technology development near Barcelona
18:30 - Persistent, Stealthy, Remote-controlled Dedicated Hardware Malware
19:00 - Anonymity and Privacy in Public Space and on the Internet
20:00 - "Big Data und der Dual Use": Deutschlandfunk Extra live
20:00 - live! Woodrow Wilson (Krautrock)
20:30 - WarGames in memory: what is the winning move?
20:30 - Reverse engineering the Wii U Gamepad
20:30 - The Four Wars: Terror, whistleblowers, drugs, internet
20:30 - ENKIs vergessene Kinder: Radio Rollenspiel
20:30 - The Internet (Doesn't) Need Another Security Guide: Creating Internet Privacy and Security Resources That Don't Suck
21:05 - To Protect And Infect: The militarization of the Internet
21:30 - Harre Künast (click 808)
21:45 - Virtually Impossible: The Reality Of Virtualization Security: Errata FTW
21:45 - Backdoors, Government Hacking and The Next Crypto Wars
21:45 - Mind-Hacking mit Psychedelika: Eine Einführung in die Wirkungsweise psychedelischer Substanzen
22:00 - Trezor: Bitcoin hardware wallet
22:00 - Nie Low: DJ Set:
22:45 - Sysadmins of the world, unite!: a call to resistance
23:00 - Jay Pauli (Grünanlage / Alte Liebe)
23:00 - When Words Dance: A spoken word poetry performance
23:00 - Die Drohnenkriege: Kriegsführung der Zukunft?
23:00 - Zwischen supersicherer Verschlüsselung und Klartext liegt nur ein falsches Bit : Ein Streifzug durch die Fehler in der Kryptografie
23:00 - Das FlipDot-Projekt: Spaß mit mechanischer Anzeige
23:15 - CounterStrike: Lawful Interception
Monday, Dec. 30, 2013
00:00 - Decoder
00:00 - Fnord News Show: Der schonungslose Realitätsabgleich mit Birzarrometer-Rekalibrierung [The harsh reality check and recalibration of the bizarre-o-meter]
00:30 - live! jɛloʊ // Rotzige Beatz: ɛloʊ is the color of gold, butter, or ripe lemons. In the spectrum of visible light, and in the traditional color wheel used by painters, jɛloʊ is located between green and orange.
01:30 - Carsten Stäcker (Frequenzberater)
03:00 - Dj Bimmel (U-site, Fusion, ROT)
11:30 - Hacking the Czech Parliament via SMS: A parliamentary drama of 223 actors
11:30 - Beyond the Tech: Building Internet Freedom Tools for Real People
11:30 - To Protect And Infect, Part 2: The militarization of the Internet
12:00 - Workshop "Hacking Radio": Wie kommt IT ins Radio?
12:15 - Coding your body: How to decipher the messages of your body
12:45 - Warum die Digitale Revolution des Lernens gescheitert ist.: Fünf Desillusionen
12:45 - Thwarting Evil Maid Attacks: Physically Unclonable Functions for Hardware Tamper Detection
12:45 - Lightning Talks, Day 4
13:00 - live! Gongkonzert Klanghaus Media Audionic & Eternal Drum: Formatierung der neurologischen Festplatten und update der biologischen Betriebssysteme auf Homo Cosmicus 1.0 mit kosmologisch relevante Frequenzklastern
13:00 - The philosophy of hacking: Contemplations on the essence of hacking and its implications on hacker ethics
13:30 - Marco Morelle & Philipp Wolgast
13:45 - Human Rights and Technology: "A New Hope" or "The Empire Strikes Back"?
14:00 - "Braucht die Informatik Hacker": Deutschlandfunk Extra live
14:00 - Through a PRISM, Darkly: Everything we know about NSA spying
14:30 - Infrastructure Review: Presentation of MOC/NOC/VOC/SOC/*OC
15:00 - live! Tonfang (Universum Alltona)
15:30 - Deutschlandfunk - Das 30C3-Interview mit ...
16:00 - Concepts for global TSCM: getting out of surveillance state mode
16:00 - Attacking HomeMatic
16:00 - Amtliche Datenschützer: Kontrolleure oder Papiertiger?
16:00 - Jonas Wahrlich (e.minor, Plux, Der Hut)
16:00 - Dead Man Edition: Auf dem Weg zu fairer Elektronik am Beispiel der Elkos [The way to fair electronics, by example of capacitors]
16:35 - Deutschlandfunk Live: Forschung Aktuell - Aus Naturwissenschaft und Technik mit Berichten vom 30C3
17:15 - Security Nightmares: Damit Sie auch morgen schlecht von Ihrem Computer träumen. [Tomorrow's computer nightmares, today.]
18:30 - Closing Event
19:00 - live! Akustik Nord (Jojo Heizmann)
21:00 - Chaos Collective: Technotheater
22:00 - !live Frau Malonda
22:30 - Dj DeineMaid
23:30 - Marc Schneider (Panorama Bar)
Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2013