Turing Complete User: What can be done to protect the term, the notion and the existence of the Users?

Presented at 30C3 (2013), Dec. 28, 2013, 5:30 p.m. (30 minutes)

With the disappearance of the computer, something else is silently becoming invisible as well — the User. Users are disappearing as both phenomena and term, and this development is either unnoticed or accepted as progress — an evolutionary step. Though the Invisible User is more of an issue than an Invisible Computer.


  • olia lialina
    Born in Moscow. Finished Moscow State University as journalist, film critic. Net Artist, one of net.art pioneers. Writes on New Media, Digital Folklore and Vernacular Web. Professor at Merz Akademie, (New Media Pathway), Stuttgart Animated Gif Model. @GIFmodel


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