How to communicate with non-security specialists to drive action

Presented at BSidesLV 2023, Aug. 8, 2023, 11 a.m. (20 minutes)

How many times have you let someone know about a critical issue, only to be dismissed? Or maybe you see a significant improvement to a process that can be made, but no one senses the urgency or understands why they need to change their way of working? So much of the work in security today is persuading people to act - to fix, to change, to update, to communicate. Technical prowess is often the starting point of many careers, but the ability to communicate and persuade people to act is what will fuel career growth and influence change within an organization. In this talk, security practitioners of all levels learn the valuable pieces of communication to resonate with others and drive action.


  • Ashleigh Lee
    With the last 7 years in cybersecurity, Ashleigh brings over 10 years of marketing experience to JupiterOne, where she leads community and customer marketing efforts and hosts a livestream show called "Cyber Therapy". She built her marketing operations and digital marketing skills at companies like NowSecure, MapR, Sentilla, and Ericsson. In the winter, you can find her skiing the slopes, and when the weather warms up, she walks her cat around the neighborhood. Ashleigh has a BS in Business Administration from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. You can find Ashleigh's Cyber Therapy episodes at


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