Lockpicking in Real Life versus on the Screen

Presented at The Eleventh HOPE (2016), July 23, 2016, 4 p.m. (60 minutes)

We all know that Hollywood has a difficult time portraying hackers accurately. This quirk often extends to the realm of showing lockpicking in movies and on TV. But sometimes, a film gets it really right! This talk is both an introduction to lockpicking (in case you still need to learn) as well as a walk through some of the best - and some of the worst - scenes of lockpicking that have ever been seen by movie and TV audiences. Learn about how to be a better lockpicker and a better filmmaker... all at the same time!


  • Deviant Ollam
    Deviant Ollam is a member of the board of directors of The Open Organisation Of Lockpickers (TOOOL) in the United States. Growing up with James Bond films and the TV show I Spy, he was fascinated with lockpicking from a young age, but never really got deep into this topic until witnessing TOOOL members firsthand at HOPE. He now helps to run the lockpick village at many cons around the world, has published books, and has visited over 100 cities across 17 countries teaching about lockpicking.
  • Max Power
    Max Power is one of TOOOL's most active and level-up members. When he's not powerlifting padlocks in order to see just how much weight his adamantium reinforced bones can bear, he's methodically polishing the pick tools that can extend from his knuckles like claws for attacking deadbolts and door locks. If you see Max, either steer clear or give him a splendid high five and ask how his local Boston sports teams are doing... because no one from The City on The Hill will miss a chance at that discussion. (Max didn't write this bio but he supremely likes the fellow who did.)
  • Nite 0wl
    Nite 0wl has been picking and bypassing locks since kindergarten and continues to do this at his own expense. He has spoken on communications and physical security at The New York Times as well as at various less formal events. You may have recognized him in his recurring role as "sleep deprived volunteer who is outweighed by his beard" at previous HOPE conferences or at various TOOOL lockpicking villages.



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