Lockpicking Forensics

Presented at DEF CON 17 (2009), Aug. 2, 2009, 1 p.m. (50 minutes).

Lockpicking is portrayed as the ultimate entry method. Undetectable and instantaneous as far as films are concerned. Nothing is further from the truth, but freely available information on the topic is nearly impossible to find. This talk will focus on the small but powerful fragments of evidence left by various forms of bypass, lockpicking, and impressioning. Attendees will learn how to distinguish tool marks from normal wear and tear, identify the specific techniques and tools used, and understand the process of forensic locksmithing in detail.


  • datagram as Datagram
    Datagram is a prime example of what the combination of cinnamon rolls, pizza, assembly, and lockpicking do to a person. When not eating, lockpicking, or programming, he is generally asleep, or otherwise unconscious. Despite constant hate mail and threatening voice mails, he continues to speak at conferences, yell at small children, and write bad biographies.



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