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CircleCityCon 10.0
CircleCityCon 10.0 (2023)
CircleCityCon 10.0
took place June 23, 2023 through June 25, 2023 (1 year, 8 months ago).
Friday, June 23, 2023
10:00 -
Opening Ceremonies
11:00 -
Logs Out: An IR Mystery
14:00 -
Going Undercover in the Underground - A Practical Guide on How to Safely Infiltrate and Engage
15:00 -
Myths and Lies in Infosec
16:00 -
When management asks you: “Do you accept Agile as your lord and savior?”
17:00 -
How Purple Teaming & subsequent Threat Index Evaluation can boost up the confidence of a CISO?
Saturday, June 24, 2023
10:00 -
Will the Real Zero-Trust Please Stand Up
10:00 -
"Securing your Azure Cloud: Secrets from a Cloud Penetration Tester"
11:00 -
A World Without Passwords
11:00 -
Old Services, New Tricks: Cloud Metadata Abuse by Threat Actors
13:00 -
Understanding common security tools and concepts
13:00 -
The Dog Was the Mastermind
14:00 -
Stop Committing Your Secrets - Git Hooks To The Rescue
14:00 -
Click Here to End the World
15:00 -
Zero to Senior in Five Years: How a Taco Changed My Career including Tips, Tricks, and Unsolicited Advice
15:00 -
Open Season - Setting Up Structured Threat Hunting
Sunday, June 25, 2023
10:00 -
Bride of Pod People: An Analysis of a WordPress-Targeting Spam SEO Campaign
11:00 -
Defending Beyond Defense
13:00 -
The Fight For the Future
14:00 -
Closing Ceremonies
Unknown date
Career Pivoting: Becoming a Security Specialist
Navigating Negotiation
The Pillars of Protection: Fundamental Ways to Protect Organizations Against Cybercrime
Adrian Sanabria
Andy Jaw
Catherine Ullman
Chris Griffin
Chris Martinez
Courtney Falk
Daniel Lagos
David Kennedy /
Dwayne McDaniel
Edwin David
Erich Kron
Johnathan Rogers
Michael-Angelo Zummo
Nader Zaveri
Nathan Apperson
Rupali Narang
Tina Shakour
Tyler Uffelman
Wolfgang Goerlich
Zach Raizen