Stop Committing Your Secrets - Git Hooks To The Rescue

Presented at CircleCityCon 10.0 (2023), June 24, 2023, 2 p.m. (60 minutes)

No one wants their keys, passwords, and other secrets exposed. Most devs are familiar with using .env and .gitignore files to help prevent Git from tracking specific files and folders. But did you know that you can leverage Git hooks, and some open source awesomeness, to keep from accidentally committing your secrets in the first place? Walk away from this session with some concrete actions you and your devs can take to make sure no secrets make it into your shared hosted repos ever again! But that is just the start. If you are not actively using Git hooks in your workflows, then this talk is for you. Let's look into the .git folder and unlock a whole world of automation possibilities!


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