Career Pivoting: Becoming a Security Specialist

Presented at CircleCityCon 10.0 (2023), Unknown date/time (Unknown duration)

“There is nothing permanent except change.” So claimed the Greek philosopher ‘Heraclitus’ back in 500 BCE. Was he speaking specifically about pivoting into a career as a security specialist? Hmm. We will never know. I started my career as a very technical person, which over time shifted into product marketing, which then became speech writing for executives. (How on earth did this happen? A story for another day). So I had to make a very conscious devision to pivot back to a technical role, interacting directly with customers. As a woman in tech, there have been some barriers and challenges, and I will share with you methods and mechanisms I used to gain my end goal. It’s a session Heraclitus would give five stars.


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