Presented at
ShmooCon XI (2015),
Jan. 17, 2015, 11 a.m.
(60 minutes).
With the rash of POS malware reported during the end of 2013 and 2014 this new, or not so new, attack vector aimed at merchants to steal credit card data is analyzed. This analysis takes a look at how long it has really been an issue, the difficulty that merchants and other companies are having fighting it, as well as one of the most common attack vectors that is being used to breach businesses.
Brandon Benson
Brandon Benson, Senior Security Analyst, is responsible for providing security consulting services and PCI compliance assessments for organizations across the globe. He holds CISSP, P2PE-QSA (Point to Point Encryption Qualified Security Assessor), QSA (Qualified Security Assessor), security certifications and has been performing and consulting with companies for the last four years. Benson assessed the world's first P2PE-validated solution in 2013. Previous to his current position, he assisted organizations, banks, and governments with encryption implementation. Benson received a Bachelor of Arts in Finance from the University of Utah.
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