Interviews & Negotiations the RaiseMe Way

Presented at ShellCon 2020 Virtual, Oct. 10, 2020, 5 p.m. (55 minutes)

Many candidates have come to us frustrated by the number of interviews they've attended without getting any job offers. Sometimes they need help getting over interview anxiety. Also, some candidates don't realize that when they receive an offer, they are expected to negotiate. A well-understood negotiation is essential in order to settle on a set of compensation parameters and working conditions that will make them happy, and commit to the company for the long run. This training is in a group environment to offer maximum support and feedback.

This is a ShellCon U class taught by the RaiseMe instructor team.


  • RaiseMe Training Staff
    The industry professionals on our team volunteer their time and expertise to help make your dreams come true. RaiseMe Events was born at ShellCon here in Southern California, and our biggest event every year is the RaiseMe Career Hall. We also contribute to other technology events around the country. We will share our slides or videos for any previous presentation you may have seen:


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