Game Maker: Crash Course

Presented at Notacon 9 (2012), April 13, 2012, 11 a.m. (120 minutes).

Ever wanted to learn how to make your own video games? Did you think it was too hard or too complicated? This 2-hour presentation will provide you with an overview and some recommended practices for how to develop your game in Game Maker.

Initially released in 1999, Game Maker has become a fantastic, albeit flawed, development environment for rapid prototyping of simple 2D games, and has been used by students, entry-level programmers and non-programmers to get their first taste of how video games are built.

If you are participating in the A Game, Any Game jam this weekend, it is strongly recommended that you do not miss this talk!


  • Chris Sanyk
    Wannabe game designer Chris Sanyk has spent 83% of his life dreaming of making videogames, and 2.7% of his life actually doing it. For the last year plus, he has been working on his first independent game title, Boobie Teeth, which should hopefully be at 1.0 by the time you read this. In 2011, Chris presented the talk "How I (FINALLY) Made My First Video Game" to Notacon 8, and contributed technical review to an upcoming book from Packt Publishing, Game Maker Recipes. He is an active participant in the local group, Cleveland Videogame Developers.


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