Metlstorm Welcomes the Combined Badasses

Presented at Kiwicon 6: The Con of the Beast (2012), Nov. 17, 2012, 9 a.m. (15 minutes)

Let him who hath understanding recon the number of the con, for it is a human number. Its number is Kiwicon SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY SIX. The beginning of the end; in which your beardy host Metlstorm prophesies the END OF DAYS.


  • Metlstorm
    Beards, bacon and beer are the benzine to Metlstorms... err, boffindom? While alliteration may not be his strong point, Metl does at least hold down a job as roach herder with Insomnia Security, engages in rampant punditry on the podcast, and is only partially reponsible for this whole Kiwicon malarky.


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