Peoject CANCER: Bringing VX Back

Presented at DerbyCon 3.0 All in the Family (2013), Unknown date/time (Unknown duration).

Project CANCER is a proof-of-concept – ZOO – virus that tries to take the bar up in terms of complexity and advanced technology. The virus is divided into various different engines, each in which has its own functionality for the generation of the new infected binary file. Having the features of, but not limited to, metamorphism and virtualization combined is for sure a high difficulty in detection. The technologies introduced in this virus is quiet a few, so its not your typical virus. The virus was written over the years where it was picked off and on depending on the motivation and mood.


  • Mohamed Saher (@halsten)
    Mohamed Saher is a Senior Security Researcher specializing in reverse engineering, windows internals and mathematics. His work and research spans numerous areas, including native software protection, copy protection technologies, compilers and rootkits. In his spare time he enjoys contributing to various reverse engineering forums and solving crackmes and math problems in Project Euler where he is top-ranked nationally and internationally. He currently works for NSS Labs. Mohamed also spoke for ZeroNighs, BlackHat Abu Dhabi and others.

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