Blue team is sexy — refocusing on defense — Part II — All your baseline are belong to us

Presented at DerbyCon 1.0 (2011), Oct. 2, 2011, 11 a.m. (50 minutes).

One thing that really ticks me off about “defense” is that folks say you need to baseline your systems… but they don’t tell you how. The only folks in this space are vendors selling The Compliance Appliance (tm). This talk will give you skills to know how to baseline your systems, applications, databases, and network. You will *know* what’s normal and not, and we’ll cover how to report to non-technical leaders so your findings are actionable!


  • Mick Douglas
    Mick is a community level instructor for the SANS institute and has taught SANS 504 “Hacker Techniques, Exploits and Incident Handling” and SANS 507 “Auditing Networks, Perimeters & Systems”. He is a senior contributor to the PaulDotCom weekly security podcast. While Mick enjoys and actively participates in penetration testing, his true passion is defense — tweaking existing networks, systems, and applications to keep the bad guys out. In addition to his technical work, Mick jumps at every chance to participate in a social engineering engagement. Mick has a bachelor’s degree from The Ohio State University in Communications. In his spare time, you’ll likely find him fleeing all things electronic by scuba diving, trying in vain to improve his photography skills, and either hiking or camping. You can follow Mick on Twitter at .

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