Forensic Fails - Shift + Delete Won't Help You Here

Presented at DEF CON 21 (2013), Aug. 4, 2013, 2 p.m. (45 minutes).

Forensic fails illustrates the rather comedic attempts at "anti-forensics" by inept computer users trying to hide their tracks. We will recount real-life stories about folks whose level of hacker-mojo might aspire to 1337 status but fall a little short. This talk covers why and how these fails happened and illustrate the forensic artifacts and the techniques used to analyze them.


  • Eric Robi - Forensic Examiner, Elluma Discovery
  • Michael Perklin - Cyber Investigator
    Michael Perklin is currently employed as a Senior Investigator within the Corporate Investigations department of an Enterprise class telecommunications firm. Throughout his career he has performed digital-forensic examinations on over a thousand devices and has processed petabytes of information for electronic discovery. Michael has spoken at security conferences internationally about a variety of topics including digital forensics, computer security, data hiding, and anti-forensics. Michael holds numerous security-related degrees, diplomas and certifications, is a member of the High Technology Crime Investigations Association, and is an avid information security nut who loves learning about new ways to break things.


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