So You Got Arrested in Vegas...

Presented at DEF CON 17 (2009), July 30, 2009, 4:30 p.m. (30 minutes).

Vegas is all fun and games until someone gets arrested. Do you know what to do if you or your buddies get thrown in the slammer? Want to get the heck out of there before its time for your flight home? If so, then this talk is for you. Come find out how much trouble you might get into while you're here. Find out the locations of the local jails. Understand the process of being taken into custody and bailing out again. Pick up a handy card that has valuable contact information should someone spend the night in the slammer! Sure, you may laugh now, but just wait until you're in the holding tank with 10 other DefCon attendees.


  • Jim Rennie / FalconRed - Attorney   as Jim Rennie
    Jim Rennie currently practices criminal defense law in Las Vegas. Prior to that, Jim had geekier jobs involving code, but that was a while ago now. Jim has been attending DefCon for the past 10 years, which makes him feel old, but not oldschool. Jim previously gave a talk at DefCon about Creative Commons licensing.


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