Phineas Narco

Phineas Narco is proprietor of The National Cynical Network and was a member of a voicemail community in California's Silicon Valley, which spontaneously arose there shortly before the advent of the world wide web. Members of this voice mail (or �voicejail�) community would use voice mailbox systems as a means of social networking and creative expression, much in the way blogs and websites are used on the Internet today. These �voicejailers� would often create collages out of audio media, mixing them with recordings of incoming voice mail messages. The resultant mixes would then be placed on their outgoing greetings, to then be recorded and used by other members of the community, creating an underground media-sharing phone culture. Phineas now hosts "Midnight Voicejail" broadcasts which document this pre-web voice mailbox scene by presenting actual recordings from it. Phineas has also performed with members of Negativland, mostly on Negativland's radio show Over the Edge, and is a reclusive yet prominent figure in the Church of the Subgenius.

