Presented at ToorCon San Diego 16 (2014), Oct. 26, 2014, 3 p.m. (20 minutes)

Nowadays E-commerce is based on tracking customers around the internet and collecting as much data as they can about them in order to bring a good user experience so they spend more much money than what they normally spend in regular shops. But sometimes these strategies can break customers’ privacy and even their security. Join me we will demonstrate how E-commerce can break your privacy and fall in love with you.


  • Amine Cherrai
    I am Casablanca-based Senior Security Researcher and IT Consultant, who gets excited about open source tech. I talk PHP, C/C++, Python Web Languages (Html, CSS, JS), Web Technologies (Jquery, Ajax) Electronics & fan of Arduino. I am listed on both Google and Facebook Halls of fame and these are companies I helped/worked_for them

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