I Am Jack's Heart Monitor

Presented at ToorCon San Diego 14 (2012), Oct. 21, 2012, 11 a.m. (20 minutes)

Bluetooth Low Energy (BTLE) is the hottest new mode in the latest and greatest Bluetooth 4.0 spec. A new generation of wireless devices, including medical devices will be implemented using this mode.

BTLE is much simpler than classic Bluetooth. Simpler to implement, simpler to debug, and hey, simpler to hack.

I present the progress of a BTLE sniffer/smasher/smusher in this WIP talk.


  • Mike Ryan
    Mike Ryan is an open source hacker by day and security hacker by night. He made friends with Mike Ossmann by hacking his badge at Toorcon last year, and has since teamed up with the Ubertooth team to sniff out security issues in the latest incarnation of Bluetooth: BTLE. "There is no end-to-end security without end-to-end verifiability."

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