35 Years of Cyberwar: The Squirrels are Winning

Presented at THOTCON 0x7 (2016), May 5, 2016, 4 p.m. (50 minutes).

Despite years and years of rhetoric concerning the weaknesses in the electronic defenses of the power grid there has yet to be one long term power outage directly caused by a cyber attack. Policy makers are routinely warning about the risk to the electric grid and yet there are no confirmed power outages caused by a cyber attack. While cyber attacks have not yet taken out the power squirrels have, hundreds of times a year. This talk will examine previous claims of infrastructure cyber attacks such as the Brazil blackout, Turkish pipeline explosion, German steel plant blast furnace and the recent power outage in the Ukraine among others. We will also examine decades of confirmed attacks by squirrels, birds, snakes, and other animals. We will breakdown our meticulously gathered data of cyber squirrel attacks by country, number of people impacted and length of outages and compare that with the same data caused by cyber attack. #cyberwar4ever


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