CO-1009 How to Translate Tech Trends to CISO strategy

Presented at Texas Cyber Summit 2019, Oct. 12, 2019, 2:15 p.m. (60 minutes).

H**ow to translate tech trends to CISO strategy & ops** Today's technology industry swims in a number of intersecting trends - digital transformation, vendor consolidation, automation, intelligence, to name a few - all drowning in scary exabytes of data; the purpose of this session will be to cover the big trends, how they intersect, what to pay attention to, and how to customize an analysis framework to your organization - so you can decide what to look at, and what to ignore; real organizations have practical concerns like security program planning, SOC management and talent management; on top of the day to day pressure that is cyber security; the question is how to look ahead and plan for which trends matter and how to practically integrate them into your strategy and operations to reap the benefits.


  • Jill Orhun - DEVO
    Jill Orhun, VP of Strategy & Operations at Devo, began working in technology about 20 years ago; first writing HTML web pages for scientific web sites, then developing early web applications (Filemaker pro years old); her career includes over 10 years in management and technology consulting, several years running strategy and marketing at Nexenta (Software Defined Storage), followed by the co-founding of a security and risk consultancy, DerivativeTech where she leads product and GTM strategy for software solutions that provide strategic business context to align stakeholders around cybersecurity; most recently she's joined Devo, to strengthen product market fit, help take Devo's upcoming Security Operations product to market, drive security transformation programs with leading CISOs and grow revenue through critical partnerships. Jill continues to actively engage in start up advisory support, to help innovators, engineers and technologists make their ideas reality.


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