Dit Dit-Dah-Dit1: The Evolution of Cellular Networks

Presented at ShmooCon 2023, Jan. 21, 2023, noon (60 minutes)

4G? LTE? 3GPP? What Does This Meaaan?2 A lot of telecommunications terminology gets thrown around, but what does it actually mean? And why do we care about it as security professionals? I ask and no one understands.3 While terms like “3G,” “LTE,” and “packet core” may be in common use, it’s hard to understand what they mean in terms of attack surface or even as a consumer. Walking through each step of cellular evolution, I’ll explain some of the protocol and equipment changes that have modified how telephony works. In terms of core infrastructure attacks It’s fun to deceive when you know you can leave. But, you have to be wary4 because at each step in cellular evolution there have been additional techniques implemented to make networks more secure. 1. The Night Was Alive/The Proposal, Titanic the Musical 2. Mix Tape, Avenue Q 3. I’m A Stranger Here Myself, One Touch of Venus 4. The Steps of the Palace, Into the Woods


  • Tracy Mosley
    Tracy Mosley (@hackerpinup) is a New York City based Lead Security Research Engineer at Trenchant (formerly Azimuth Security). With a degree in Computer Engineering from University of Maryland and over 8 years in the industry, Tracy has predominantly focused on vulnerability research, reverse engineering, and development for embedded devices. She has led teams focused on telecommunications equipment and contributed to teams working on routers and various types of devices. Her first degree is in theatre performance, so you may have seen her presenting at conferences, attending trainings, or performing on stage.

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