There is Wardriving, and There is GWARDRIVING

Presented at ShmooCon 2022 Rescheduled, March 25, 2022, 10 a.m. (60 minutes)

With the world continuing to add wireless to everything, wardriving is an exciting way to see what’s in the air around you. No longer are we looking for free Internet but weird, strange and unexpected things that are connected when maybe they shouldn’t be. This talk will look at how 2 wardriving obsessed people tackle the challenges and build equipment and tune software to catch ’em all!

Whether you are just starting out or your capture goals are to conceal ultra portable devices or get full frame captures of everything, this presentation will share with you the tools and strategies so you can become obsessed with wardriving and start capturing wireless today.


  • El Kentaro
    Mike Spicer (@d4rkm4tter) is a hacker who likes to meddle with hardware and software. He is the creator of the #WiFiCactus and has been seen presenting at a number of conferences around the world. He is a Kismet cultist and obsessed with wardriving. El Kentaro (@elkentaro) is the guy who builds wifi gadgets for fun and has been involved with the hacker community for over two decades. Kentaro enjoys watching movies and taking long warwalks at night strolling through the dark corners of Tokyo. Together they host The Wireless Shit Show on all things wireless wardriving.
  • Mike Spicer / d4rkm4tter as Mike Spicer
    Mike Spicer (@d4rkm4tter) is a hacker who likes to meddle with hardware and software. He is the creator of the #WiFiCactus and has been seen presenting at a number of conferences around the world. He is a Kismet cultist and obsessed with wardriving. El Kentaro (@elkentaro) is the guy who builds wifi gadgets for fun and has been involved with the hacker community for over two decades. Kentaro enjoys watching movies and taking long warwalks at night strolling through the dark corners of Tokyo. Together they host The Wireless Shit Show on all things wireless wardriving.

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