Presented at
BSides Austin 2017,
May 4, 2017, 1 p.m.
(60 minutes).
As malware has adapted the strategy of in-memory execution using PowerShell to bypass traditional AV file scanning techniques, Microsoft has introduced the AMSI protocol to allow AV vendors to scan scripts executing in-memory and preventing execution.
ObfuscatedEmpire is an integration of Empire (a PowerShell post-exploitation agent) and Invoke-Obfuscation (a PowerShell obfuscator) that can be used to establish a PowerShell C2 channel that operates in memory and defeats the majority of AMSI signatures through automatic obfuscation of all scripts run on a target machine.
We will demo ObfuscatedEmpire, as well as examine AMSI in greater detail from both an offensive and defensive perspective.
Ryan Cobb
Ryan Cobb is a pentester and consultant at Protiviti, as well as a hobbyist software developer. He is the developer and maintainer of the tool-integration ObfuscatedEmpire.
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