Policy development for large and complex education organizations

Presented at SAINTCON 2019, Oct. 24, 2019, 9 a.m. (60 minutes)

This session will help develop and write an organizational information security policy. The session will provide tools for risk analysis, policy development, and resources to develop policies around information security, acceptable use, and other areas of concern that most large educational organizations are faced within today's complex regulatory environment.


  • Jerry Smith - UofU
    Jerry has always been passionate about security in one form or another. He first picked it up with his time in the military and then transferred it to his first IT job was working as a computer operator with IBM mainframes. When the time came to diversify his skill set, he moved to networks and picked up network security positions with banking and manufacturing companies are working in security and admin positions. State of Utah Department of Human Services recruited Jerry to work both mainframe and network security where he was able to transform the culture and bring the idea of security down to the employee level. A move to the University of Utah working in the clinical side enabled Jerry to see the regulatory environment and begin to understand the Privacy world and the nuance that Privacy is and how different it is from Information Security. It also allowed Jerry to pursue a chance to work on completing his Masters in Public Administration. Jerry is very fortunate to have a very forgiving wife and two great son's that put up with his crazy security ideas because he experiments at home and connectivity can be a problem at times depending on which firewall is working that day!


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