Presented at
RomHack 2019,
Sept. 28, 2019, 3:15 p.m.
(45 minutes).
Being appointed by the top management to secure the Active Directory of a multinational, I faced difficulties with IT admins. Especially when you deal with merger, acquisition and companies located in other countries! So I had to develop my own tool to collect information without involving the admin. It started with collecting trust information of my domain (that admins were reluctant to give) and I added over time more and more information. This talk will focus on the experience I gathered on the field to protect a very complex & multi domain environment and I'll present the result of my research: the tool PingCastle.
Vincent Le Toux
Vincent Le Toux is working in a French utility at the edge of management & blue team. He is the author of Ping Castle, an Active Directory security tool. He has also made many open source contributions in projects such as mimikatz, OpenPGP, OpenSC, GIDS applet, etc. Finally, he already did presentations in security events, mainly FIRST, BlueHat, BlackHat, Troopers and Hack In Paris
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