Finding Chinks in the Armor - Reverse-Engineering Locks

Presented at REcon 2010, July 10, 2010, 9 a.m. (60 minutes)

I find the stories that surround how lockpickers and researchers have been able to exploit weaknesses in some of the world's most secure and trusted locks to be fascinating. This talk will present, in detail, the tales of how three major physical security products were attacked: The Mul-T-Lock, Medeco, and Kwikset Smart Series. What to look for in locks and possible routes of attack against other popular high security products will then be discussed.


  • Deviant Ollam
    While paying the bills as a security auditor and penetration testing consultant with The CORE Group, Deviant Ollam is also a member of the Board of Directors of the US division of TOOOL, The Open Organization of Lockpickers. Every year at DEFCON and ShmooCon Deviant runs the Lockpicking Village, and he has conducted physical security training sessions at Black Hat, DeepSec, ToorCon, SOURCE, HackCon, ShakaCon, QuahogCon, HackInTheBox, CanSecWest, ekoparty, and the United States Military Academy at West Point. He has recently published his first book on lockpicking and his favorite Amendments to the US Constitution are, in no particular order, the 1st, 2nd, 9th, & 10th.



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